Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Shri Bandaru Dattatreya Chairs Tripartite Meeting with State Governments, Central Trade Unions and Employer Organizations

Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Labour & Employment

13-January-2015 20:24 IST

Shri Bandaru Dattatreya Chairs Tripartite Meeting with State Governments, Central Trade Unions and Employer Organizations
The Union Minister of State for Labour and employment (Independent Charge) Shri Bandaru Dattatreya today chaired a tripartite meeting with state governments, central trade unions and employer organizations in New Delhi.

The Minister made an earnest appeal for pro-active involvement of all stakeholders in the labour matters. He said that the Ministry of Labour follows proud legacy of social dialogue. He informed that the Ministry is undertaking a special drive to cover contract and construction workers under formal social security cover. He said that another nationwide campaign is being initiated for the settlement of inoperative provident fund accounts. He appealed to the Worker’s and Employer’s Organisations to be a partner in this drive with renewed vigor. The Ministr is aiming at making this drive an effective tool to cover more and more people in the ambit of Social Security System and the success of this initiative will only be ensured with cooperation from all.

The Trade Unions raised the issue of the 10 point charter of demands given by them and invited the government for more consultations on labour issues.

Employers unanimously agreed that the vision of industrial development can be achieved only when workers’ interest coincides and taken into account in a holistic manner.

The Secretary, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Smt Gauri Kumar said that the Minister (MOLE) has all sincere intent of getting stakeholders on board. Mentioning the meeting held with state secretaries today she talked about initiatives to bring about more transparency and accountability as well as making the labour administration more effective. She also invited the employers and workers join MOLE in this movement. She informed that the Ministry is working on a National Identity Card for unorganized workers with portability features and including Jan-Dhan initiative and the ministry would urge all stakeholders to come on board to make it a success.

Shri Bandaru Dattatreya said that he was happy to see the increased positive response from Trade Unions. The key focus for the Ministry is employment generation for the youth. Increasing competitiveness and skill training is our challenge to fulfill the aspiration of the new generation. He mentioned the initiative by the Government to bring a National Vocational Training Institute. He emphasized the need for consultations so that points and concerns may be taken up to move forward. Government is neutral and is committed to transparency and accountability.

Minister reiterated the commitment of the government to take forward the consultative mechanism and thanked the social partners for the constructive deliberations. He said that interest of labour is paramount for the Government. He invited the social partners to join this movement of nation building.

From Employers Group following organizations attended the meeting: Council of Indian Employers, All India Manufacturers’ Organization, Laghu Udhyog Bharati, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Confederation of Indian Industry, The Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India, FASII.

From Workers Group following organizations attended the meeting: Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, Indian National Trade Union Congress, All India Trade Union Congress, Hind Mazdoor Sabha, Centre of Indian Trade Unions, All India United Trade Union Centre, Trade Union Co-ordination Centre (TUCC), Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), All India Central Council of Trade Unions (AICCTU), Labour Progressive Federation (LPF), United Trades Union Congress (UTUC) and National Front of Indian Trade Unions –Dhanbad (NFITU-DHN). 
