Monday, February 2, 2015

Learn how just an IDEA can win you anywhere between R 3 toR 13 lakh

New Delhi: The central government has planned a reward scheme, in order to encourage youth, under which anyone coming out with an innovative business idea can receive financial assistance of Rs. 3 to Rs. 13 lakh from the side of government.

The MSME Ministry has proposed Rs. 200 crore fund for the purpose. The plan is to create 20,000 fresh start-ups. There is a plan to train one lakh youth, each year, under the programme.

As per media sources, 120 Rapid Incubation Centres will be created across the country in order to make the programme work.

Around 800 people will be trained in each centre amounting to 2.88 lakh people in three years.

Additionally, 20,000 businessmen will be provided with funds under MNREGA.

Even private individuals can create an incubation centre other than state and central government. The centre will issue 50 per cent amount – a maximum of Rs. 50 lakh.

 The department is planning to reward 300 start-up ideas.