Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) in the terms of reference of 7th Central Pay Commission.

Grant of civil servant status to GDS and grant of all benefits of departmental employees on pro-rata basis without any discrimination.
The proposal will be referred again to Department of Expenditure for inclusion of GDS in the 7th CPC.
Action by : DDG (Estt)
Grant of merger of 100% DA with pay w.e.f 01.01.2014 for all purposes, including GDS.
The proposal stands referred to Department of Expenditure.
Item closed.

Grant of 25% pay as Interim Relief (IR) w.e.f 01.01.2014 to all employees including GDS.
The proposal stands referred to Department of Expenditure.
Item closed.

Remove 5% condition for compassionate appointment and grant appointment in all deserving cases as in the case of railways. Remove the minimum 50 points condition for GDS compassionate appointment.
Compassionate appointment for regular employees:-
Department of Posts follows the DOP&T condition of 5% of direct recruitment quota for compassionate
Item closed.

Compassionate appointment for GDS:-
The proposal will be sent by staff side, which will be examined.
Action by : DDG (Estt)
Staff side

Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres including MMS & GDS.
(a) By direct recruitment.
(b) By holding DPC and granting promotions.
(c) By conducting departmental promotional examination.
Instructions regarding filling up of vacant posts will be reiterated to all the Circles.
As regards MMS cadre, the revised RRs of Manager, Sr. Manager and Sr. Manager (NFSG) have been approved by the DOP&T and UPSC and are presently with Ministry of Law and Justice for legal vetting. Once the same are notified, the recruitment in MMS cadre will be initiated.
Action by : DDG (P)

Introduce Medical Reimbursement Scheme to GDS.
GDS are eligible for financial assistance under the Circle Welfare Fund. The proposal to increase the limits of financial assistance will be examined by the Welfare Board.
The proposal for introduction of GDS Health Insurance Scheme on the lines of Rashtriya Swaasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) involving a recurring cost of Rs.7.29 crores per annum stands referred to Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure. This is being pursued with the Ministry of Finance.
Action by : DDG (Estt)

Make substitute arrangement in all vacant Postmen and MTS Posts. Wherever GDS are not available, outsiders should be allowed to work as substitutes.
The Establishment Division has issued instruction to the Circles to fill up all vacancies of GDS BPM & justified posts of all other approved categories. Guidelines regulating substitute arrangements to be made in place of regular GDS already stand issued vide letter No.17-115/2001-GDS dated 21/10/2002, in case it is not possible to

Creation of appropriate number of posts of Multi Tasking Staff
There is a ban on creation of posts by the Department of Expenditure.

Revise Postmen / Mail Guard / MTS Recruitment Rules. Stop open market recruitment. Restore seniority quota promotion:-
This item was earlier discussed in the JCM (DC) and it is assured by Secretary (Posts) that the Recruitment Rules will be reviewed after one or two Recruitment / Promotional exam are over, as DOP&T may not approve immediate revision of Recruitment Rules already approved by it. Now more than two Postmen/MG/ MTS recruitment / examination is over and hence it is requested to take action to revise the Recruitment Rules and stop open quota recruitment. Entire vacancies may be earmarked for GDS and Casual Labourers as existed in the pre-revised Recruitment Rules.
As decided in earlier JCM, the said RRs are to be relooked after seeing the outcome of one or two exams. The process is still going on. Most of the Circles have completed one round of recruitment process for direct recruitment quota, and others on their way to completing the same. Subsequently, pre-appointment formalities, trainings etc. would require to be completed in case of newly recruited officials. Therefore, Circles need time to judge the capabilities and skills of these officials and furnish proper and accurate feedback thereto to this Directorate for further consideration in the matter. Hence, time is not ripe to revisit the said RRs.
As regards RRs of Postman, open market quota of 25% has already been given to GDS. Now, as per the existing RRs, only the unfilled vacancies, which could not be filled by the MTS/GDS, go to open market for filling up.
However, the proposal will be re-examined on receipt of the same from staff side.