Thursday, May 28, 2015

2nd All India Conference of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) - SHIMLA (HP)

Preliminary Reception Committee constituted for 2nd AIC of GDS (NFPE) Scheduled to be held in Shimla Himachal Pradesh 19-20 Sept.2015

                   2nd All India Conference of GDS (NFPE) Union is scheduled to be held in Shimla Himachal Pradesh on 19th- 20th Sept. 2015. A meeting of the leaders of all units of NFPE HP was held at Shimla on 24-May-2015 under the chairmanship of Com. Balwinder Singh Secretary Finance AIPEU Gr.C CHQ New Delhi in the benevolent presence of Com. Pandurangarao General Secretary GDS (NFPE) Union and Com. Sita Luxmi General Secretary Postman & MTS Union. 

All leaders from local unit including Com. Virender Sharma Circle Secretary GDS (NFPE) H P Circle, Com. Jagat Ram Circle President P-III H P Circle,  Com. Prem Prakash Mehta Circle Secretary P-IV H P Circle, Com P L Verma Chairman COC HP,  Com. Purshottam Chauhan P-III Divisional Secretary Shimla, Com. Naresh Kumar Asstt. Secretary P-IV Shimla Division, Com. Kamal Kishore Divisional Secretary GDS (NFPE) Shimla, Com. Mukand Lal Divisional Secretary GDS (NFPE) Solan Division, Com. Balwant Singh President GDS (NFPE) Mandi Division were also participated in the meeting. 

Com. K L Gautam G/S COC HP, Com. Kailash Sharma C/S Admin H P, Com Buta Ram D/S GDS (NFPE) Hamirpur, Com. Tipender Thakur D/S GDS (NFPE)  Nahan  were granted  leave.
                   Following reception committee was constituted

1)      President reception committee            Purshottam Chauhan    Div. Secretary P-III Shimla
2)      Vice President                                               Prem Prakash Mehta     C/S P-IV & MTS HP
3)      Vice President                                               Kailash Sharma                C/S Admin Shimla
4)      General Convener                                       Virender Sharma              C/S GDS (NFPE) HP
5)      Convener                                                        Jagat Ram                          C/President P-III HP                       
6)      Secretary                                                         K L Gautam                         Gen. Secy. COC HP
7)      Asstt. Secretary                                            Kamal Kishore                   D/S GDS (NFPE) Shimla
8)      Asstt. Secretary                                            Roshan Thakur                  D/S –P-IV & MTS Shimla
9)      Asstt. Secretary                                            Naresh Sharma                  Asstt. D/S P-IV & MTS Shimla
10)   Asstt. Secretary                                            N. D. Sharma                      C/Secy Pensioners Union HP     
11)   Org. Secretary                                               P L Verma                            Chairman COC HP
12)   Org. Secretary                                               Mukand Lal                         D/S GDS (NFPE) Solan
13)   Org. Secretary                                               Satish Kumar                      D/S RMS Shimla                               
14)   Org. Secretary                                               Balwant Singh                    D/S GDS (NFPE) Sunder Nagar
15)   Org. Secretary                                               M C Sharma                        C/President P-IV H P
16)   Org. Secretary                                               Buta Ram                             D/S GDS (NFPE) Hamirpur
17)   Org. Secretary                                               Tipender Thakur               D/S GDS (NFPE) Nahan

Members  :: Om Prakash GDS, Pradeep GDS, Krishan Lal GDS, Rajinder Singh GDS, Lokinder Sarta GDS, Kamlesh GDS  

Purshottam Chauhan

Venue of the 2nd All India Conference of GDS (NFPE) Union

Sood Sabha, Shimla
Shree Ram Mandir Complex 
Ram Bazar 
Shimla - 171001