Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Dear Comrades, 

NFPE & AIPEU-GDS CHQ is going to submit a detailed Memorandum on GDS issues to the GDS Pay Committee soon. After submission, it will be available in our websites. In support of the items incorporated in our Memorandum, the effective response from the individual GDS member is required. 

Take all necessary measures to send the 'feed back' copy of our union from as many GDS members as possible from the BOs itself to the Chairman, GDS Pay Committee at the earliest.

Comrade CHQ office bearers  & Circle Secretaries, Please ensure that the submission of feedback copy of our Union should be sent from all Divisions / Units in the respective circles. 

Divisional/Branch Secretaries/ Conveners requested to send a report on the subject to CHQ to pursue the progress of the programme.

= P.Pandurangarao
   General Secretary

Copy of feedback/memorandum: (Hindi version)
(English Version)