Tuesday, August 2, 2016

NFPE leadership met Secretary (Posts) and DG (Posts) on 02.08.2016

Today (02.08.2016) Com. R.N. Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary P-III & Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE & General Secretary  R-III, met   Shri B.V. Sudhakar , Secretary, Posts and Shri Ashutosh Tripathi, Director General Posts  and conveyed  greetings on behalf of NFPE.

           The burning issues related to CBS, staff shortage , cadre restructuring  for left out  categories, sufficient accommodation for RMS sections  in mail vans, declaration of result of membership verification and GDS  membership verification, holding of JCM (DC) meeting  and issue of orders of out sourced postal agents etc were discussed in detail.

             Both the officers have responded positively to settle all staff related problems speedily in a time bound manner.