Thursday, June 29, 2017

Appeal by Secretary General,NFPE for Membership verification in GDS cadre

To                                                                                                                 Date : 28-06-2017
All CHQ Office bearers
All Circle Secretaries

Dear Comrades,

I would like to draw your kind attention to an important task on top priority i.e., Membership verification in GDS cadre. The notification has been issued by Directorate on 22nd June 2017 to conduct verification process in GDS cadre. The GDS Union in the name of AIPEU GDS (All India Postal Employees Union GDS) is being lead by our NFPE & its affiliated unions for the last five years. Now the GDS union is participating in the present verification process seeking No.1 recognition in GDS cadre.

It is opt  to mention that GrC cadre is the closest one to every GDS other than any in NFPE affiliates. It is our prime responsibility to make the AIPEU-GDS, in No.1 position by obtaining membership from GDSs in the form of Letter of Authorization supplied by Directorate along with notification.

NFPE & AIPEU GrC CHQ, for the last few years put their best efforts to form the branches for AIPEU GDS in all divisions of all circles. To a great extent our Gr.C cadre units in all divisions have succeeded in the task by taking so much risk to form the branches in all circles and keep intact with GDS members in the divisions till date. Similarly GDS members are also extended all their cooperation and support in all the programmes given by higher bodies for all the time.

Now, it is the right time to share the major responsibility in all divisions by Gr.C leaders, members and active comrades to collect the membership from the GDS members in the respective divisions. The Circle Secretaries of Gr.C of each circle has to pay much attention on this task by contacting personally with all divisional / branch secretaries of GrC and direct them to put all efforts to get the membership in favour of AIPEU-GDS in their divisions / branches.

Here with enclosing the particulars of Divisional Secretary / Convener of AIPEU-GDS of each division in your circle for favour of information and immediate action to collect 100% membership from GDS members in the respective divisions as early as possible. Please intimate, if any changes made in the name of ‘Authorized Representative’ i.e., divisional secretary / convener of AIPEU-GDS, our CHQs will make necessary correspondence with the concerned immediately.

Once again emphasis is made on the subject to give top priority as it is a time bound process.

Please follow the websites of CHQs - NFPE, AIPEU GrC., AIPEU-GDS for update information and keep in touch with CHQs for further details, if necessary. A brief report may be expected on the progress from your side for consolidation and further guidance.

With fraternal greetings

Secy Genl., NFPE
General Secretary