Monday, March 12, 2018

AIPEU PM&MTS :: 27th All India Conference in Jaipur :: 09th to 11th March 2018

The 27th Biennial All India Conference of AIPEU PM & MTS has been conducted in Jaipur (Rajasthan Circle)  from 09th to 11th March 2018.

Venue : Bhagwan Parshuram Bhawan, S-1, Sector-4, Vidhyadhar Nagar, Jaipur.

Open session (09-03-2018) inaugurated by Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation of CGEW. 

Com.K.K.N.Kutty, President, Confederation of CGEW, Com.R.N.Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, AIPEU-GrC.,  Com.Giriraj singh, President, NFPE  & General Secretary, R-III., Com.C.C.Pillai, former Secretary General, NFPE., Com.S.B.Yadav, General Secretary, AIP AEA., Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS., Com.D.Sivaguru nathan, Wkg. President, AIPCPCCWF, and Com.I.S.Dabas, former General Secretary, P4., and many veteran leaders attended and graced the Conference.

The Hon'ble Chief Postmaster General, Rajasthan Circle and Director, Postal Services, Rajasthan were attended and Chief guests and addressed the meeting.

Veteran leaders & retired CHQ office bearers, Circle Secretaries, Reception Committee Memebers  were felicitated by the CHQ & Reception Committee during the session.

A new set of office bearers were elected unanimously for the ensuing period.
President : Com.Balakrishna Chalke (Maharashtra)
Working President : Com.S.T.Teraiya (Gujrat)
Vice President : (i) Com.Manoharlalsen (Rajasthan)
                           (ii) Com.K.K.Surendran (Kerala)
                           (iii) Com.Keshav Kalitha (Assam)
General Secretary: Com.D.B.Mohanthy (Odisha)
Dy. Genl Secretary: Com.Vikram Shah (Uttar Pradesh)
Asst. Genl. Secy : (i)Com.Subash Chakrabarthy (West Bengal)
                             (ii) Com.K.Chandrasekhar (Andhra Pradesh)
                             (iii) Com.Kannan (Tamil Nadu)
Treasurer : Com.Ramesh Dabas (Delhi)
Asst. Treasurer: Com.Sudhir Kumar Singh (Jharkhand)
Orgg. Genl. Secretary : (i) Com.Manendra Kumar (Bihar)
                                       (ii) Com.Om Prakash (Telangana)
                                      (iii) Com.Mallikarjun (Karnataka)

Mahila Committee : 
1.Com.Anitha Thakur (West Bengal) - Convener
2.Com.Jamuna, G (Kerala) -Member
3.Com.K.C.Prabha (Kerala) - Member
4.Com.Sharanamma (Karnataka) - Member
5.Com.M.S.J.Khorpade (Maharashtra) - Member
6.Com.Maladas (Uttar Pradesh) - Member
7.Com.....    Darjeeling (West bengal) - Member

AIPEU GDS CHQ conveys heartfelt greetings and congratulations to all CHQ office bearers elected in 27th AIC of AIPEU PM&MTS.