Monday, April 16, 2018

AIPEU GDS :: Tenali division (AP Circle) biennial conference

A joint biennial divisional conference of AIPEU GrC & AIPEU GDS has been conducted in Tenali under the presidium of Com.P.Jonesh, President, Gr.C., & Com.P.Chandrasekhar, President, GDS.
Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS & Com.D.A.S.V.Prasad, Circle Secretary, AIPEU GrC.,  Com. Y. Nagabhushanam, Wkg President, AIPCPPCWF  are attended and addressed.
The meeting organized by Com.D.L.Kantharao, Senior Leader and Advisor for NFPE unions, Tenali.

A new set of office bearers were elected unanimously for the ensuing period.
President : Com.R.Yacob
Secretary : Com.E.Pavan Kumar
Treasurer : Com.Nagin Prasad