Friday, April 20, 2018

Greetings on the success of 3 days relay hungerfast

3 days relay hunger fast -- a grand success

Dear Comrades,
The 3 days relay hunger fast in front of all Chief Postmasters General offices in the circles - a grand success with the demands., immediate implementation of all positive recommendations of Kamalesh Chandra Committee Report for GDS & Complete the membership verification process in GDS cadre.
AIPEU GDS CHQ conveys revolutionary greetings and heartfelt thanks to all participants in the 3 days relay hunger fast programme in front of Chief Post Masters General offices of the Circles.
The leaders of NFPE, senior comrades, veteran leaders, well wishers of GDS in the Circles extended their fullest cooperation and support to our GDS programme with their participation and addressing the participants.
In some Circles viz., Tamil Nadu, Kerala, West Bengal the participation of GDS comrades appeared in hundreds.
Once again AIPEU GDS CHQ thanking all Leaders & GDS comrades for the success of the programme.

Let us get ready for 2nd Phase Programme :

Hunger fast in front of Dak Bhawan on 26-04-2018

All the CHQ office bearers & Circle Secretaries of AIPEU GDS & General Secretaries of NFPE are participating in one day hunger fast programme in front of Dak Bhawan on 26-04-2018.
All the CHQ office bearers & Circle Secretaries of AIPEU GDS are requested to attend the programme well in time.

All the Branch / Divisional Secretaries & GDS Members in the divisions are requested to wear BLACK BADGES in all work places on 26-04-2018 in support of the programme in Delhi.

General Secretary