Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Central Headquarters
1st  Floor, North Avenue, Post Office Building, New Delhi – 110 001



Government and Postal Board is totally indifferent. Suicides and death of GDS while on strike are reported everyday. Situation becoming out of control.Nearly 7000 GDS including 1000 ladies mobilized in front of Chief PMG Office, Hyderabad and they refused to disburse till the strike is settled.. Only due to the timely intervention of Ministers, MPs, MLAs and TU Leaders of Telangana the situation came under control after five hours. All the Branch Postoffices remain closed for fifteen days and they have now become Branch “Ghost” Offices. The anger and protest of striking GDs is growing day by day. If the situation goes out of control and any untoward incidents happens, the Govt and Postal Board alone will be responsible. The calculation of the Officers that believing their sugar-coated appeals, GDS will resume duty on 4th June (Monday) had gone wrong.

The attempt to reach Circle level settlements to break the unity and weaken the position of All India Leadership of the striking GDS,while All India unions are on strike has also miserably failed. 99% of the Circle Unions refused to reach Circle level agreements and categorically told the Chief PMsG to discuss with their All India leadership and reach settlement at Delhi level. Percentage of the strike increased further in all states and it has reached its peak on 4th June (Monday), almost 100% in all states.

Confederation National Secretariat calls upon all its affiliates and C-o-Cs to extend full support and solidarity to the striking GDS. Don’t hesitate. Grab the seriousness of the situation and jump into action. Take initiative to form strike aid Committees at all places. Extend financial assistance to the needy GDS who are on strike. Organize various types of protest and solidarity action daily under the banner of strike –aid committee or confederation. Approach MPs, MLAs, Ministers, distinguished personalities and organizations and request them to intervene.

All GDS Unions including pro-BJP BMS Union has unanimously decided to continue the strike till settlement of their demands. Strike may prolong further due to the negative attitude of Government. GDS unions are ready to continue their struggle. There is no wavering or confusion anywhere. The strategy of the department to make them starve and then surrender has also failed.

Remember, after 1946 P & T strike which lasted for 26 days and after 1974 Railway strike which lasted for 25 days, this heroic struggle has taken place and three lakhs most down trodden GDS has did it. We should understand the significance of this strike and come forward to extend all out support. Once the bus is missed, you cannot catch it again.

Secretary General
Mob&Whatsapp - 09447068125