Tuesday, July 17, 2018

GDS meeting in Anakapalle division on 14-07-2018

A review meeting on the implementation of GDS Committee recommendations has been held on 14-07-2018 in the premises of Nidanamdoddi SO, Anakapalle division on the occasion of the retirement of Com.K.Manohar, President, AIPEU-GDS, Andhra Pradesh Circle.

Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary felicitated Com.K.Manohar who rendered his services for the last 20 years to  the GDS union at division and Circle level. Com.Nukaraju, SPM Chaired the meeting and Shri Aditya kumar, IPO attended as Cheif guest. The services of Com.K.Manohar have been well appreciated by all participants.