Sunday, September 9, 2018

AIPEU-Postman&MTS : Central Working Committee meeting on 8th & 9th Sep 2018

The 1st Central Working Committee meeting of AIPEU-Postman & MTS has been held on 8th & 9th September 2018 in Tulasidevi Daga Smrithi Bhawan, Khatushyam (Sikar dt), Rajasthan.

Com.D.B.Mohanty, General Secretary, P4 welcomed all the Leaders, Invitees & CWC members.

Com.Balakishan Chalke, All India President presided the meeting. Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, Confederation & former Secretary General, NFPE inaugurated. Com.Giriraj singh, President, NFPE & General Secretary, R-III, Com.I.S.Dabas, former General Secretary, P4., Com.R.Seethalakshmi, former General Secretary, P4., Com.Milan Bhattacharya, former All India President, P4., Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS and many leaders of P4 attended the meeting.

The General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS conveyed Red salute and heartfelt thanks to the CHQ - P4 for serving strike notice along with GDS unions and all CWC members also for their earnest cooperation, support and participation, continuation in the strike for 16 days. Further requested to strengthen the AIPEU-GDS in divisions of all Circles.