Tuesday, October 9, 2018


A joint biennial divisional conference of AIPEU GrC., AIPEU Postman&MTS and AIPEU-GDS has been conducted on 07-10-2018 in the premises of  Head Post Office.
Conference presided by the presidium of Com.N.V.Subbarao, Com.D.Venkateswarlu, Com.N.Penchalaiah, Presidents of Gr.C., P4 & GDS of the Division.

Com.K.Ragavendran, former Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, AIPRPA & Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS attended as chief guests and  inaugurated the conference. Shri M.Chandra Sekhar, SPOs, Nellore Divsion attended as guest of honour and addressed the meeting.

Com.B.Sridharbabu, Offg. C/S, Gr.C., Com.Ch.Vidyasagar, C/S, P4., Com.M.Srinivasarao, C/S, AIPEU-GDS, Com.K.Sudhakar, D/S, Gudur, Com.Ramarao, B/S, Kavali Br. also attended and addressed.

Com.Ch.Nagabhushanam, former C/S P3., Com.Sk.Humayun, former All India President and C/S, P4., Com. Mohanrao, Dist. Secretary, CITU., Com.B.Anjaneyulu, State Orgg. Secretary, BSNLEU., Com.B.Venkateswarlu, Dist. President, NFTE., Com.Nagesh, LIC and many other leaders witnessed the conference.
A new set of organizing body has been elected unanimously for the ensuing period for the Divisional unions of Gr.C., P4 & GDS.
Com.K.Ragavendran felicitated by the Divisional Unions of NFPE & AIPRPA, Nellore. 
Shri B.V.N.Suresh, Postmaster, Nellore HO felicitated on his selection to Gr.B from the Division.

AIPEU-GDS CHQ conveyed heartfelt greetings on the success of conference and divisional unions of NFPE.