Monday, December 3, 2018


A joint biennial divisional conference of AIPEU-GrC., AIPEU Postmen & MTS and AIPEU-GDS  of Cuddapah & Rajampet Branch have been held on 02-12-2018 in the premises of Govt Jr. College for Girls, Cuddapah.

The meeting presided by the presidium of Gr.C.,P4 & GDS. Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, Com.S.Narasimhulu, Asst. Circle Secretary, Com.K.V.Subramanyam, Asst. Treaser, AIPEU-GDS., Com.D.A.S.V.Prasad, Circle Secretary, Gr.C., Com.B.Sridharbahu, Asst. Circle Secretary, Gr.C, Com.Subbaiah (CITU) were attended and addressed.

Many other NFPE leaders viz., Com.K.Subbarayudu & Com.A.N.Prasad former Divisional Secretaries of Gr.C., Com.Bala Obaiah (P4) were also attended and graced the conference.

A new set of organizing bodies have been elected unanimously for Cuddapah division & Rajampet Branch for the ensuing period.

Cuddapah division:
President : Com.S.Md.Basha
Secretary: Com.D.Basheer
Treasurer: Com.G.Surya Kumari

Rajampet Branch:
President: Com.B.V.Subbaiah
Secretary: Com.K.V.Subramanyam
Treasurer: Com.P.Subramanyam

On behalf of AIPEU-GDS Circle Union and CHQ conveyed greetings for the success of the conference.