Friday, October 25, 2019


All India Conference of All India Postal Employees Union Group ‘C’ was held at Gachibowli Stadium Campus, Hyderabad (Telangana) from 20.10.2019 to 23.10.2019.

On 19.10.2019 C.W.C. was also held at the same venue in which the agenda of A.I.C was approved.

A.I.C. commenced with Flag hoisting at 10 AM on 20.10.2019. The National Flag was hoisted by Com. C. C. Pillai, Ex Secretary General, NFPE & Ex-General Secretary, R3. NFPE Flag was hoisted by Com. Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE & General Secretary, R-III. P3 Flag was hoisted by Com. J. Ramamurthy, President P3.

After that Floral tribute was offered to the martyrs. All Leaders present there paid their tribute by offering flowers on Martyr’s Column.

Inaugural Session started at 10:30 AM on 20.10.2019. Com. J. Ramamurthy President presided over the meeting.

Welcome speech was delivered by Com. S. S. R. A. Prasad, General Secretary Reception Committee and Circle Secretary, P3 Telangana.

Com. R. N. Parashar, General Secretary also welcomed all leaders & guests present on dias and all delegates and Visitors attending the A.I.C and gave an introductory speech.

All leaders, Chief Guest, Guests of Honour, All India leaders, General Secretaries of affiliated unions and all CHQ office bearers, Circle Secretaries and Women Committee Members were honoured by the Reception Committee by presenting flower bouquets, shawls, bags, Badges and mementos.

Com. K. K. N. Kutty, President Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, greeted the A.I.C and delivered a brief speech on the common issues related to 7th CPC & Central Government Employees.

The open session was formally inaugurated by Com. Swadesh Dev Roy, National Secretary, Centre of Indian Trade Unions (C.I.T.U) in his speech he elaborated the issues related to working class, peasantry and common man. How the Government policies are effecting the life of Common man. The neo-liberal economic policies being pursued by the present Government are not in the interest of Common man whether it is Government Employees, Public Sectors Employees, State Government Workers or farmers. These policies have been framed to make the corporate Sector benefitted. The country is facing serious economic crisis and unemployment problem. He appealed the working class to fight unitedly to resist the retrograde economic policies of the Govt.

Shri P. K. Bishoi, Member (Personal) & Designated Secretary (Posts) also graced the occasion as Chief Guest. In his address he assured the employees to protect their interests and settle the problems which are being faced by the employees. He appealed to the Postal Employees to work in the interest of the Department.

Shri Charls Lobo Chief PMG, Karnataka holding additional charge of Telangana Circle also addressed the open session.

Shri K. Nageshwar, Ex-MLC Telangana also delivered his speech and criticized the anti working class policies of present central Govt. He stressed the need to fight unitedly by all working class to resist the anti common man and pro-corporate policies of the Government.

The open session was addressed by Coms. C. C. Pillai, Ex-Secretary General NFPE & Ex General Secretary R3, Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Financial Secretary, Confederation & Secretary General, All India Civil Accounts Employees Association, Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE & General Secretary R3, D. B. Mohanty, General Secretary, P4, P. Suresh General Secretary R4, S. B. Yadav, General Secretary, Postal Accounts, Smt. Jasmine Jalal Begum, General Secretary, AIPESBCOEA, J. L. Venkat Subbu, General Secretary Admin Union, P. Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS Union, R. Sivannarayana, Ex-President P3, P. Mohan, General Secretary, Casual Labourers Union and some other leaders.

Delegate session was started at 4 PM on 20.10.2019 after getting the agenda approved by the house Com. J. Ramamurthy delivered Presidential Speech.

Com. R. N. Parashar General Secretary initiated the discussion on agenda by narrating the present position on each issue.

All Circle Secretaries discussed the various issues notified in agenda in detail it went on upto 21st October A/N. After that delegates were called for to give their views on agenda items and the problems being faced by them at the ground level. 76 delegates took part in deliberation who gave an important feedback on the issues.

After that General Secretary summed up the discussion. He elaborately described each issue raised by the delegates and clarified the position of action taken by CHQ and the Department. He thanked all Leaders, Member (P) & designated, Secretary (Posts) Chief PMG Telangana and other officers who attended the open session. He thanked all CHQ office bearers, Circle Secretaries, Women Committee members, Divisional Secretaries and all delegates and visitors who attended the A.I.C. for their guidance and co-operation extended to run the affairs of CHQ.

Special Thanks were given to Com. K. V. Sridharan Ex-General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’ who has always extended his support, co-operation and guidance to the CHQ.

General Secretary conveyed thanks to Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General Confederation, Ex-Secretary General NFPE & General Secretary P3 who could not attend the A.I.C. due to some domestic problems but he has always extended his co-operation, guidance and support to run the affairs of CHQ.

After that Credentials were readout. 711 delegates out of 836 were present. All Circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers were also present. The house was declared duly composed by the President and all business transacted was declared under composed house and approved by the house.

After that agenda items were got approved by the President one by one.

As per agenda election was held and new set of office bearers was elected unanimously which is mentioned as under.

The session was presided by Com. G. Janakiram, Working President.

President                                -           Com. N. Subramanian (Tamilnadu)

Working Presidents                 -         Com. G. Janakiram (Karnataka)
-                 Com. Sudheer Mane (Maharashtra)
Vice Presidents                       -          Com. R. K. Chaubey (Madhya Pradesh)
                                                -           Com. Nanda Sen (West Bengal)

General Secretary                  -          Com. R. N. Parashar (Uttar Pradesh)

Deputy General Secretary      -         Com. Janardan Majumdar (West Bengal)
Asst. General Secretaries       -         Com. P. K. Muralidharan (Kerala)
                                                -           Com. A. Veeramani (Tamilnadu)
                                                -           Com. S. S. R. A. Prasad (Telangana)

Financial Secretary                -         Com. Balwinder Singh (Delhi)

Asstt. Financial Secretary       -        Com. Naresh Gupta (Haryana)

Organizing Secretaries           -         Com. Rajasekaran (Andhra Pradesh)
                                                -           Com. Bruhaspati Samal (Odisha)
                                                -           Com. A. M. Sekar (Tamilnadu)

Chairperson               -           Com. Geeta Bhattacharjee (Delhi
Convenor                   -           Com. P. Rema (Kerala)
Joint Convenor          -           Com. Mausumi Majumdar (Assam)
Members                    -           Com. K. K. Jagadamma (Kerala)
                                    -           Com. K. Pushpeshwari (Telangana)
                                    -           Com. A. Valarmathi (Tamilnadu)
                                    -           Com. J. Renuga (Tamilnadu)
                                    -           Com. M. Shanti (Tamilnadu)
                                    -           Com. Chaitra Gowda (Karnataka)
                                    -           Com. Mangala Bhagwat (Karnataka)
                                    -           Com. Sunita Dwivedi (Chattisgarh)
                                    -           Com. Ritu Nuniya (Rajasthan)
                                    -           Com. Mausami Bhattacharya (West Bengal)
                                    -           Com. Namrata Swamy (Maharashtra)
                                    -           Com. Yogita Patil (Maharashtra)
                                    -           Com. Alma Minz (Madhya Pradesh)
                                    -           Com. Charissa Myrthong (North East)

At last General Secretary thanked the Reception Committee for organizing the A.I.C in a good manner for which Com. S. S. R. A. Prasad, Com. Raj Kumar, Com. Suresh, Com. Ravinder Reddy, Com. Vishwanath and other members deserve the appreciation.

Vote of thanks was given by Com. S. S. R. A. Prasad General Secretary, Reception Committee.

At last President Concluded the A.I.C. by delivering brief speech.

The AIPEU GDS CHQ conveyed heartfelt greetings and congratulations to all the CHQ office bearers of AIPEU GrC. in their 32nd AIC.