Thursday, May 7, 2020

GDS Transfer -- General conditions to be observed by the aspirants

Dear Comrades,

With reference to Directorate letter No.17-31/2016-GDS dtd.22-01-2020 GDS who are seeking transfer to other places & vacancies has to apply during Apr – June every year.

Now it is observed that most of the Divisions notifying the vacancies of GDS posts in the division for making application to the vacancies preferred / opted by the aspirant GDS for transfer.

While applying for the vacancies, in general, some important conditions have to be kept in mind to fill & submit the application in a stipulated time mentioned in the Notification issued by the Division.

General conditions to be observed while applying for transfer of GDS :

Ø Transfer application should be filled in the prescribed format (application & declaration) – notified by the Directorate published along with the letter dtd.22-01-2020.

Ø  The maximum number of chances to be provided for male GDS is ONE only and TWO for female GDS.

Ø  The transfer will be at his / her own request and own cost to a vacant post at his / her place of choice to his / her / spouse home village or home division or  a place recommended for medical treatment.

Ø  A minimum engagement period of TWO years from the date of regular engagement on GDS post will be mandatory for male GDS, before transfer request can be entertained.

Ø  A minimum engagement period of ONE year from the date of regular engagement on GDS post will be mandatory for female GDS.

Ø  For PWD (Person With Disabilities) GDS and GDS having PWD dependents / Mentally retarded dependents, a minimum engagement period of ONE year from the date of regular engagement on GDS post will be mandatory.

Ø  Transfer request of GDS who are under put off duty or against whom any disciplinary action, police case or Court case is pending will not be entertained.

Ø  Past engagement period will be counted for assessing the eligibility for appearing the Departmental Examination as well as for annual increment.

Ø  GDS will not have any claim to go back to the previous engagement / recruitment unit / division in any circumstances.

Ø  When a GDS is transferred at his / her own request and the transfer is approved by the competent authority, she / he will rank junior in the seniority list of the new unit, to all the GDS of that unit who exists in the seniority list on the date on which the transfer is ordered.

Ø  In case of transfer with in the same engagement / recruitment subdivision / unit / division, the seniority in the GDS gradation list will be remained same.

Ø  Mutual exchange facility can be provided to all GDS on completion of ONE year for FEMALE GDS and TWO years for MALE GDS engagement period as the case may be.

Ø  The GDS cane be transferred on her / his own request in case of his / her TRCA slabs :-

·     BPM Level – 2        to         Level – 2         in TRCA slab – 3
·     BPM Level – 1        to         Level – 1          in  TRCA slab – 2
·    ABPM/Dak Sewaks Level – 2     to     ABPM/Dak Sewaks in Level – 2    in TRCA slab – 2
·    ABPM /Dak Sevaks Level – 1    to    ABPM / Dak Sewaks in Level -1   in TRCA slab – 1
·    BPM Level – 1   to   ABPM/Dak Sewak Level – 2 (Postal/RMS) in same TRCA slab.
·   ABPM / Dak Sewak Level – 2 (Postal) to BPM Level – 1 in the same TRCA slab, provided that the GDS has to make accommodation arrangement for managing BO as per standard prescribed for BO and fulfilling the condition of educational qualification, Computer Certificate etc., prescribed by the Department from time to time. Before joining as BPM Level – 1, he / she has to undergo prescribed training for BPM.
·   Request transfer of ABPM / Dak Sevak from Postal to RMS in the same TRCA slab.
·   Transfer from RMS to Postal i.e., from Dak Sevak to ABPM/Dak Sewak in the same TRC slab.
·   However, Dak Sewak from RMS should not be transferred to BPM in Postal division.

Ø  There will not be any drop in TRCA slab on account of request transfer and number of increments earned by GDS, will be retained.

Ø  All request transfers are to be considered subject to condition that verification formalities viz., Case, Education & Police verification report etc., should have been completed.

Ø  Mere submission of application does not confer any right for transfer to a choice of place.

Ø  Application should reach in time to the concerning authorities as mentioned in the Notification.

Ø  The competent authority may vary the vacancy positions at any time due to administrative reasons. 

Ø  Head of the Division is forwarding authority of the request transfer of GDS with factual report and recommendations to the approving authority.

Ø  The transfer of GDS will be approved by Regional PMG, if the transfer is within the Region.

Ø  The transfer of GDS will be approved by Head of the Circle, if transfer is within the Circle.

Ø  The approval of two concerned Heads of Circles, if the transfer is between two circles.

CLICK HERE  Copy of the Directorate letter dtd.22-01-2020 for Application & Declaration & other details.

  General Secretary