Tuesday, June 16, 2020

DoP :: Messsage from DDG, Technology --- COVID & GET WELL SOON App

Dear All, 

A number of our fellow employees are contracting COVID . Some of them need assistance for testing, hospitalization, isolation, etc. Karnataka Postal Circle has developed an App called Get well Soon.

This uses our HRMS information. This can be utilized all over the country by anyone who has an employee ID. 

The employee can avail of all the resources and links. He/she can also seek help for testing, hospitalization etc.

I would ask you to circulate this widely on all groups. 

In case any body is having trouble using it please raise it to me or on this group. I will pass it on.

The link is It is also available as a link in employee corner of IndiaPost website.

About the Application

"GetWellSoon" is a web app developed for Department of Posts by Karnataka Circle. Any employee having covid-19 symptoms and seeking help for self or dependent can register using the registration form. When the submit button is pressed, the form will be sent to nodal officer in the circle for necessary action. A SMS is sent to the employee as well as to the nodal officer. The circle nodal officer will entrust the work to the identified Support Officials For Treatment (SOFT) team for
  1. Health checkup
  2. Testing
  3. Tracing
  4. Hospitalization
  5. Counseling and assistance to family
  6. Claim settlements

The circle office is provided with a login and password. Using this the history sheet of each employee registered in the app shall be maintained by Circle Office. Circle Office will take the help of divisional head / inspectors / PRIP / such other resource persons for doing the needful
