Thursday, November 26, 2020

26-11-2020 :: Nationwide one day strike ... Revolutionary greetings to all the participants

Dear Comrades,

Reports received to CHQ, that a tremendous response in Postal & RMS divisions on the call of NFPE / Confederation & Central Trade Unions for nationwide one day strike.

All over the country almost all Postal & RMS divisions Departmental & GDS employees participated in the strike after closing the offices; conducted demonstrations, meetings, rallies besides joined with the other fraternal organizations in many places.

At the last hour,  one of our postal organizations stepped back  & some unions discouraged the members through social media the NFPE & GDS Unions showed their unity and participated en masse in the one day strike in a very successful way.

AIPEU GDS CHQ conveys heartfelt greetings & thanks to all participants for the success of the strike call.

General Secretary

Please note that abundant number of photos received through whatsapp and it could not be possible to segregate and upload immediately. Regrets ..