Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Com.T.P.Mishraji .. amar rahe ...


Com.T.P.Mishraji, a veteran Leader of NFPE & towering personality in Uttar Pradesh Circle passed away today due to Corona.

He lead the postal trade union movement in UP Circle about five decades. He worked as Circle Secretary, P3 U.P Circle. He is also the leader of Confederation and Pensioner's Association.

Even at the age of 80, he is very active and command over all NFPE unions in UP. He is very familiar among GDS employees of all corners of the State.

AIPEU GDS could not forget his services and contributions in UP. On request of our CHQ, he promised and succeeded in conduction of 3rd All India Conference in Allahabad during March, 2018.

With deep grief and sorrow, paying tributes to the departed soul of Com.T.P. Mishraji and condolences to the bereaved family members.

General Secretary