Sunday, July 25, 2021

Com.Raavi Sivannarayana - Rememberance day - 25-07-2021 - Guntur

A remembrance meeting on the occasion of  first death anniversary of Com.R.Sivannarayana, All India President, AIPEU GrC CHQ  has been  held on 25-07-2021 in Guntur, organized by NFPE - Guntur. 

Com.M.A.Gafoor, former MLA & CITU State Secretary., Com.K.S.LakshmanaRao, former MLC & CITU State Committee, Com.B.Sridhar Babu, C/S Gr.C., A.P Circle, Com.Ch.Vidya Sagar, C/S., P-4., Com.M.Srinivasarao, C/S., AIPEU GDS, Com. N.Nageswararao, AIPRPA., Com. Sambasivarao, Veteran Leader, BSNL and many leaders were present and remember the services of Com.R.Sivannaraya for the NFPE unions and downtrodden people in Guntur.

And also Com.K. Masthan Rao., former Dy. Circle Secretary, P-4, A.P., Com.Y.Nagabhushanam, R-III., AIPRPA & Casual Union Leader of NFPE were also remembered. These two comrades lost their lives due to Covid-19 and their family members.

All the three leaders belongs to Guntur District.