Sunday, August 1, 2021

AIPEU GDS :: Kerala Circle - Circle Council Meeting - 01-08-2021

The AIPEU GDS Kerala Circle Council Meeting has been held today virtually, through webinar under the Presidium of Com. GopalaKrishnan Nair. Com.P. Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS inaugurated the Council Meeting. Com.P.K.Muralidharan, C-o-C Convener, NFPE, Kerala graced the meeting and elaborately explained all the issues raised among GDS cadre in the Circle as well as in the Country.

About 36 Branch & Divisional Secretaries, Com.Kumara Nambiyar, Treasurer, CHQ, Com.Sali George & Com.Janaki, Women Committee Members, CHQ also participated.

Resolutions on vital issues of GDS have been proposed and adopted in the Council meeting.