Monday, October 18, 2021

AIPEUGDS- Kavali Branch (Nellore Division) - A.P Circle biennial conference (17-10-2021)

The joint biennial branch conference of AIPEU GrC., AIPEU PM&MTS and AIPEU GDS has been held on 17-10-2021 in the premises of Kavali HO.  Com.B.Sridharbabu, Circle Secretary, AIPEU GrC., Com.K.Murali Kumar, Circle President, P4., Com.M.Srinivasarao, Circle Secretary, AIPEU GDS were attended and addressed the conference.
NFPE leaders viz., Com.K.Sudhakar, Ex-ACS, GrC (Gudur dn), veteran leader Com.Sk.Humayun, Ex-All India President, P4, Com.B.Sarath Kumar (GrC), Com.A.V.Krishnaih, D/S Gr.C, Nellore, Com.Venkaiah (P4), Nellore and CITU leader were also attended and graced the meeting.
Com. Ramarao, Branch Secretary, AIPEU GrC felicitated on their super annuation by the NFPE leaders and members