Monday, January 3, 2022

AIPRPA - Protest call on 03-01-2022...

NFPE Secretary General is charge sheeted by Administration on misinterpretation of DOPT OM!

Join the protest call on 3.1.2022

It is clear blindness and rudeness as well as anti-NFPE character of the foolish authorities in Mathura (U.P) and Agra Regional Administration that resulted in charge sheeting NFPE SG comrade R.N.Parashar on the eve of his superannuation. The SSPOs could not have the minimum courtesy of sending the Charge Sheet by Registered Post! He arranged to hurriedly paste the Charge Sheet in the outside doors of the SG NFPE residence in Mathura! The charge sheet containing a single article of charge is that the SG had remained in foreign service beyond 7 years in violation of DOPT Rules!? This was done by concealing his earlier foreign service tenure while applying to extension to CPMG in the year 2016! Fine! The Postal Administration should check the knowledge of officers before recruiting them! We know their inadequacy in causing technical lapses in issuing charge sheets! But they started issuing charge sheets based on irrelevant and non-applicable OMs! The OM referred in this charge sheet is applicable only to foreign service granted for deputation on foreign service to ex-cadre posts between Government departments and to State Govt or PSUs etc! Not relevant to recognised Federations and Unions, and Government had clarified this point very very clear to these blind officers!

The manner shown to paste the charge sheet in his doors on the eve of his superannuation shows the attitude of the Authorities and how they are stooping to low levels!

NFPE has called upon the rank and file to.conduct protest demonstration on 3.1.2022 and to send Emails to Secretary (P).

Let AIPRPA jump in the action along with the NFPE branches to show our solidarity to the service organizations! Let us protest along with them to demand dropping of the infructuous charge sheet issued by the foolish SSPOs at the behest of equally foolish Regional Administration of Agra!

Let us join on 3rd January protest! It is our task to stand with service organizations!

