Tuesday, February 22, 2022

AIPRPA - Extend Total Support to struggling GDS ....

 Extend Total Support to struggling GDS!

AIPEU GDS CHQ on 19.02.2022 in the NFPE Federal Executive decided and called upon its members to launch a two-phased programme of action. The Programmes are Day Long Dharna in front of all Divisional Offices on 4.3.2022; and Day Long Dharna in front of PMG / CPMG Offices on 15.03.2022. There are four important demands including urging the DoP to take up the Membership Verification of GDS Cadre and stopping unscientific target setting etc. 

AIPRPA CHQ extends total solidarity to the programmes of AIPEU GDS and calls upon all the Postal Pensioners to fully support these programmes and participate in the Day Long Dharna at all places, ofcourse with all recourse to corona protocol. 

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