Monday, March 7, 2022

NFPE Strike campaign & AIPEU GDS Dharna Programme on 15-03-2022 ....

 Dear Comrades / Friends,

            It is very much inspiring all the Postal working class that a serious strike campaign is going on in the field units in all Circles. NFPE & Confederation Leaders' tour programme is already commenced and strike mobilization meetings are going on. Secretaries General of NFPE & CCGEW along with HQ office bearers, General Secretaries & Circle Secretaries of respective Unions / Associations  are visiting the Postal & RMS and all other units as per the draft schedule of tour programme.

            AIPEU GDS CHQ is requesting all the CHQ office bearers, Circle Secretaries, Division / Branch Secretaries, active Representatives, Mahila Committee members to join voluntarily in this tour progamme without  any reservation. It is most important to note that the unity and fraternity of postal employees in all struggles yields good result as proved in all occasions in the history of our postal trade union movement. This time the struggle is for our survival and existence against the privatization policies of the Govt. for which we should not leave any room to  such an unpleasant situation for our postal department.

            All the details of the course of actions  will be explained by our Leaders for a better awareness of the members. Take all necessary measures and attention to mobilize the new entrants for their resumption in the present system and to carry forward the nature of resistance against the ani-worker policies which are affecting the existence of employment in a Govt. sector, the Department of Posts.

          The first phase of our successful agitation programme on the charter of demands attracted the attention of the department and Govt. The 2nd phase programme on 15-03-2022 i.e., "DAY LONG DHARNA IN FRONT OF CHIEF POST MASTER GENERAL / POSTMASTER GENERAL OFFICES" should also be  a successful one, hopefully, results in settlement of our genuine demands in our favour.

        With fraternal greetings,

General Secretary