Monday, June 20, 2022

PJCA :: Lunch hour demonstration on 22-06-2022

All CHQ Office bearers,
All Circle Secretaries,
All Mahila Committee Members,
All Division / Branch Secretaries,

    As you all are aware that the Department is launching new schemes and policies like introduction of Dak Mitra, Common Service Centre's, RTN, Decentralisation of PAOs and now has ordered the migration of POSB to IPPB, which is an indication of Corporatisation of the Department. 

    Recommendations of the Task Force Committee are being implemented forcibly behind the curtains. 

    Postal JCA (NFPE - FNPO & AIPEUGDS - NUGDS) has given a clarion call to hold Lunch hour Demonstration at all work places on 22-6-2022, a resolution is to be passed and sent to the Authorities . 

    Draft resolution to be sent along with the circular is posted below .

         All  are requested to kindly observe the call with utmost sincerity and send the resolution to the Authorities.