Wednesday, January 25, 2023

NFPE :: Successful agitation programme on 25-01-2023

Dear Comrades,

    Revolutionary greetings to all participants of NFPE Unions & AIPEUGDS in the agitation programme conducted all over India at the call of NFPE.

    An Inspiring and encouraging reports received at our CHQs that all the Postal officials are participated in the "Lunch Hour Demonstrations in front of all Divisional Offices" programme,  showed their bitter anguish and resentment over indifferent attitude of administration at all levels.

    Let us hope that this would lead to the fast and positive move of the department to resolve our problems as early as possible.

    Once again thanking all for the success of this agitation programme.

yours fraternally,

Com.Tapan Bhowmik
General Secretary
(M)9748659815 / 6294343737 

(Due to technical problem the photos of our today's programme could not be published - regrets)