Saturday, December 16, 2023

Indefinite strike deferred - message ... dtd.15-12-2023

 Dear Leaders and Comrades,

We had a lengthy discussion on the prevailing situation of overwhelming STRIKE, no doubt it has created history. But to safeguard the interest of each and every member, especially newly recruited (below 3 year) and to avoid panic like situation we have decided to defer the Strike for the present. Further details will follow.

We thank one and all for creating history which is the basis for our amicable settlement soon.

With revolutionary regards and greetings

-  Leaders JCA

S S Mahadevaiah,

P U Muraleedharan

Tapan Bhowmik


All India Postal Employees Union GDS
Central head quarters 
Dada Ghosh bhavan 
New Delhi

It has been decided to defer the ongoing strike of GDS employees with immediate effect. All are requested to report duty on 16th December itself. Other GDS Unions already declared the deferment of strike. 

Congrats and red salute to all the GDS employees. We here by extend sincere gratitude and red salute to NFPE and affiliates  and all others for their support and solidarity. 

Detailed letter follows .

With fraternal greetings ,

Tapan Bhowmik 

Dated in New Delhi the 15 th December 2023.
