Monday, January 23, 2023

AIPEU GDS :: Telangana Circle - Council meeting on 22-01-2023

AIPEU GDS - Telangana Circle Council meeting has been held on 22-01-2023 in B-1, P&T  Qrs. Chikkadpally, Hyderabad.

Meeting presided by Com.Lenin Srinivas, President, AIPEUGDS, Telangana Circle. 

Com.S.S.R.A. Prasad, Ex-Circle Secretary & Ex-OGS (CHQ), AIPEU GrC., inaugurated the Council Meeting.

Com.K.Muktar Ahmad, General Secretary, R-IV., Com. Jalaluddin, C/S, R-III & CoC Chairman, Com. K.Nageswararao, ACS, Gr.C., Com.Madhusudanarao, C/S, P-IV., Com.S.A.Naidu, C/S, R-IV., Com. D.Narasimha murthy, C/S, AIPAEA., Com. Sujit, C/S, AIPAOEU., Com.T.Suresh, AIPRPA., Com. Narasimha, Ex-AC/S, P-IV., Com.A.Lingaiah, Ex-V/P & F/S., P-IV other veteran leaders are attended and addressed.

Divisional Secretaries/Representatives & office bearers of 11 Divisions (out of 15) attended and participated in the deliberations. Effective discussion on GDS problems, review on agitation programs, targets and other organizational issues took place.


During the sessions of Council meeting Com.P. Pandurangarao, Ex-General Secretary, AIPEUGDS felicitated by the leaders & participants of the meeting.

    Com. Ponugoti Prasad Rao, Divisional President, AIPEUGDS, Khammam Division also felicitated on the eve of their retirement (05-01-2023), rendered an unblemished service for 46 years as BPM. 
    It is known that Com. Prasadrao is committed and militant leader of GDS and also a social worker extending his services, always helpful  for down-trodden people in their area.

    AIPEU GDS CHQ conveyed heartfelt greetings on holding a Council meeting and very much thankful to the leaders of NFPE for their support and cooperation for AIPEU GDS in Telangana Circle.

Com.Tapan Bhowmik
General Secretary
(M)9748659815 / 6294343737