Tuesday, January 24, 2023

NFPE :: Lunch hour DEMONSTRATIONS -- Programme on 25-01-2023

Dear all

CHQ Office bearers,
Circle Secretaries,
Division / Branch Secretaries
Mahila Committee membrs

Please observe the NFPE call on 25th January 2023 "LUNCH HOUR DEMONSTRATIONS IN FRONT OF ALL DIVISIONAL OFFICES" along with our NFPE unions. Make the agitation programme a grand success.

Com.Tapan Bhowmik
General Secretary
(M)9748659815 / 6294343737


    Even after our constant persuasion fund has not yet been sanctioned / allotted by the Postal Directorate. So our all cross section of employees and offices are suffering bitterly. 

    And also demanding -  "Drop irrational, unscientific and surprising targets and stop consequent harassment of staff (both Departmental / GDS) in the name of POSB Maha Mela - EK DIN Mein EK CRORE and SSA Amritpex Plus Drive as contained in Postal Dte letter No F. No. FS-10/17/2022-FS-DOP dated 20th January 2023.

    In this background NFPE calls upon to hold lunch hour demonstrations in every Divisions across the Country on 25 January, sending resolution to the Secretary / DG (Posts). 

    Text of  Resolution will be posted today in WhatsApp / Website. 

    Our All GSs/ All India Office Bearers/ Circle Secretaries are requested to take care of this programme.


---(Copy of Resolution)---

(Name of Unions)

Divisional/Circle :


    This demonstration of all section of postal employees held during lunch hour on this day at .................... (office) notes with serious concern that in absence of allocation of funds for long time to employees as well as some postal operations are suffering badly. 

    Payment of wages to casual, daily rated mazdoors, contingent staff, GDS substitutes, medical bills for staff etc., and also payment of office rent, electricity bills etc., are not being paid. It’s an unprecedented situation. 

    Our Federation (NFPE) has been pursuing the issue consistently but no result as yet.

    In this background this demonstration resolves that the competent authority should sanction adequate funds immediately to overcome the ongoing crisis everywhere.

Dated 25.01.2023

Place:                                                                             (President of the meeting)

Copy to: -

1. The Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001

2. The Director General, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
