Sub: - Sanction
of Rs.200/- per month under SDBS for the GDS officiating in postman & MTS
short term vacancies – Reg.
Respected Madam,
It is brought to our notice that
in many Divisions, the GDS are performing the duties in the vacant Postman
& MTS posts in short term vacancies. The TRCA is being sanctioned for the
post of GDS and drawn in favour of the substitutes for the said period.
The instructions laid down under
Service Discharge Benefit Scheme, a sum of Rs.200/ per month is sanctioned
every month to the GDS who has drawn monthly TRCA for that month. The
particular GDS performing the duties in the vacant posts of Postman & MTS
in the divisions may not be enrolled in the list for sanction of Rs.200/- as
the TRCA drawn for that month is in the name of the substitute, there by losing
their provision for that particular period/month.
It is pertinent to mention that
the GDS working in vacant places of Postman & MTS are getting the benefit
of notional increment though the TRCA is drawn in favour of substitute for that
officiating period. On the same analogy, the sanction of Rs.200/- under SDB
Scheme may be made to the GDS who is on leave for the purpose of officiating in
the vacant places of Postman & MTS in the divisions.
It is requested to consider and
cause necessary instructions on the subject.
Sub: Computing unregistered articles handled in the BOs – Reg.
Respected Madam,
While fixation of TRCA to GDS
BPMs, the computation of unregistered articles handled per day is being taken
after obtaining two days test figures in the middle of the week for every 25
unregistered articles for 1 point.
It is learnt that many BOs are
receiving a considerable number of unregistered articles everyday and mere
calculation of two days test figures for computing 1 point for a month for 25
articles on an average is not justified and does not reflect the right
position. The average figure of registered articles & accountable articles
are taking into account for every 22
articles for 1 point of workload handled during the month.
There is every justification for
computing total number of unregistered handled during the month and an average
will be taken into account for computing 25 articles for 1 point instead of 25 articles for a month
with I point of work load.
Eg. Total number of regd. &
accountable articles handled in month = 220.
On an average for every 22
articles for I point = 10 points.
Total number of unregistered
articles handled in a month = 500
On an average for every 25
articles per day for 1 point = 20 points
Instead of 20 points, it is being
computed on the basis of two days test figures for 25 articles for one (1) point for that month.
It is therefore requested to
kindly issue necessary instructions to
the authorities concerned to reiterate the instructions issued on the subject
by taking into consideration of the total unregistered articles handled during
the month instead of two days test figure which will reflect the real business
of the BOs.
Sub:- Release
of amount accrued in SDB Scheme to the nominees of deceased GDS officials.
Respected Madam,
It is reported from many quarters
that the retirement benefits viz., Severance Amount / Amount accrued in SDBS
has not drawn to the nominees of the deceased GDS officials in the divisions.
It is a well known fact that the
PRAN cards to the applicant GDS opted under SDBS have not been received. Many GDS are unaware of their
enrollment under the SDB Scheme till date. Repeated requests to the Divisional authorities are in vain.
Claim cases are pending in the Divisions
for the determination of enrollment under SDBS and other reasons best known to
the authorities.
It is therefore requested to
issue suitable and necessary instructions to all the concerning authorities to
dispose all the pending cases and effect payment of the amount accrued in SDBS
or eligible Severance Amount to the nominees of the deceased GDS officials
at the earliest.
Further, it is requested to issue
necessary instructions to intimate the position of enrollment of each GDS under
SDBS there by further enrollment of eligible GDS in every division would be
Sub:- Computation of revenue generation in BOs – Reg.
Respected Madam,
While computing revenue
generation from the BOs as cost/establishment norms fixed on certain items of
work viz., stamp sales, MO commission, SB/RD/TD transactions only.
7 / 20 portion of sale of stamps
28% portion of MO issue
34% portion of MO paid commission
Rs.1.70 ps for SB/RD deposit
Rs.2.70ps for SB with drawls etc
are in practice.
In the recent past, there is a
considerable number of accounts are being opened in BOs for POSB, PORD, RPLI
schemes under the business activities. It is learnt that the department is in
receipt of revenue on the live accounts of POSB, PORD, POTD, MIS for 3 years
from the Govt. No honorarium / incentive has been paid to such work to GDS.
An apportioned amount of that
Receipt may also be taken in to account by considering the number of live
accounts standing in the BOs. There by decrease the loss incurred by BOs can be
justified and will be resulted in the upward revision of TRCA to the BPMs and
the post establishment of that particular BO will be sustained.
It is requested to take necessary
action for taking such new accounts for subsequent deposits for comparable
workload as well as revenue of the BO.