2014 NOVEMBER 23rd & 24th
In the meeting
held on 11th April-2014
at Jamnagar in
presence of
Com. M. Krishnan Secretary General NFPE :
Working Chairman:
Com. R.D. Purohit Circle Secretary P-3 Gujarat.
General Convenor :
Com. Asha Ben Joshi Circle Secretary GDS(NFPE) Gujarat
Financial Secretary”
Com. S.T. Taraiya Vice President P-IV (CHQ)
(Name of Chairman and full details of
Reception Committee and various other Committees will be published later on.)
Reception Committee Formation meeting was
held at Jamnagar (Gujarat )
on 11.04.2014. The meeting was presided over by Com. R.N. Parashar Assistant
Secretary General, NFPE.
The following leaders were present in the
1. Com. M Krishnan Secretary
General NFPE
2. Com. R. Seethalaxmi
General Secretary P-IV
3. Com. M.P. John Dep. G.S.
R-III(C/S R-III Gujarat )
4. Com. R.D. Purohit
C/S P-III Gujarat .
5. Com. S T Taraiya Vice
President P-IV CHQ
6. Com. Apurva Kadiya C/S
Admn. Gujarat .
7. Com. A.K. Chauhan Dy. C/S
Postal Accounts
8. Com. Asha Ben Joshi C/S
GDS(NFPE) Gujarat
9. Com. S.K. Vaishnav Circle
President P-III Gujarat
10. Com. S R Dave Circle Treasurer R-III
Besides above mentioned leaders about 200
Comrades from Gujarat Circle
particularly Jamnagar
Dn. Participated in the meeting.
In the begging Com,. Asha Ben Joshi
honoured all the leaders by presenting flowers bouquets. Com. R D Purohit
C/S P-III welcomed all the leaders.
Com. R.N. Parashar , President of the
meeting & ASG NFPE described the importance of Diamond Jubilee Celebration
at Jamnagar and appealed to all to make the programme a grand success by giving
maximum contribution financially as well as mobilizing their membership to take
part in the programme in a large number.
Com. M. Krishnan Secretary General NFPE
thrown light on the history of NFPTE/NFPE and various struggles conducted by
the organizations and achievements gained through sustained struggles. He gave
suggestions to make the pogramme a historic success and stated the ways and
means . He put a blue print of programme which will be published in detail
later on.
Com. R Seethalaxmi G/S P-IV also appealed
to all Comrades to contribute maximum in all respects to make the programme a
grand success.
All leaders mentioned above expressed
their views and assured NFPE leadership that they will do their best to make
the programme a historic event.
Besides them Com. Mihir Gandhi Divisional
Secretary P-III Bhuj and Com. Nikola Divisional Secretary P-III Jamnagar also
delivered speech and assured to give maximum contribution and co-operation to
make the progranne a grand success.
Com. R.D. Purohit Circle Secretary P-III
Gujarat stated in detail about the arrangements to be made for the function and
intimated an estimated budget to be spent in the function. All Circle
Secretaries, leaders and other Comrades gave assurance to give financial
contribution to the Reception Committee as per quota fixed to each union.
At last Com. Asha Ben Joshi Cirle
Secretary GDS(NFPE) offered Vote of Thanks.
The meeting was concluded by Presidential
speech of Com. R.N. Parashar after giving thanks to all leaders and Comrades of
Gujarat Circle
for showing such interest and enthusiasm for making the programme a historic