The AIPEU-GDS Convention has been held on 02-02-2018 in Palakkad (Kerala) under the Presidentship of Com. C.Unnikrishnan, Divl, Secretary, GrC., Palakkad.
Welcome speech by Com.V.Murukan, Divl.Secy, P4., Palakkad & the inaugual speech by Com.P.Panduangarao, General SecretaRy, AIPEU-GDS.
Com.V.Sasidharan, Convener (LCC), Com.Kumaran Nambiyar, Fin. Secretary, GDS (CHQ), Com.Sivadas, Circle President, P4., Com.C.SkrishnaDas, D/S, Gr.C., Com.K.Santhakumar, Divl. President, GDS., Com.K.S.Unni Krishnan, Divl, Secretary, GDS are also present and addressed the meeting.