...................................... (Associate Member of National Federation of Postal Employees) ......................,................. ......... An organisation born with the ideals of Trade Union democracy and Unity & United struggle for the emancipation of GDS..
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Tuesday, October 30, 2018
Monday, October 29, 2018
The Circle Council meeting of AIPEU-GDS, Telangana Circle with all Branch / Divisional Secretaries and active comrades of divisions has been conducted in B-1, P&T Quarters, Chikkadapalli, Hyderabad - 500 020 on 28-10-2018.
The meeting chaired by Com.G.Srinivasarao, President, AIPEU-GDS, Telangana Circle.
Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary attended and addressed. The participant representatives of AIPEU-GDS reviewed the struggles of GDS Unions and 16 days indefinite strike besides all the situation prevailing among GDS in the Circle.
The meeting concluded with the vote of thanks offered by Com.Krishna, Treasurer, Telangana Circle.
Message from Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO) on Allahabad Kutchery HO incident
Postal Joint Council of Action comprising NFPE & FNPO call upon All General Secretaries/Circle Secretaries, Divisional and Branch Secretaries of NFPE and FNPO affiliated unions to hold Lunch hour demonstration in front of all Head Post offices, General Post offices, Divisional, Regional and Circle offices against the incident of Allahabad Kutchery HO (Uttar Pradesh) starting since today dated 29.10.2018 and continue up to 03.11.2018.
Ask all members to bear black badges during the whole period of duty from today dated 29.10.2018 to 03.11.2018 in protest of this incident and non-functioning of CSI.
We have already reported matter to Secretary (Posts) with Photos on 27.10.2018. Our circle union of Uttar Pradesh circle has also reported matter to Chief PMG, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow.
Some advocates of Allahabad Distt. Court assaulted on our postal employees as their Regd. Letters were not being booked due to failure of internet connectivity under C.S.I. They have vandalized the post office property including counters, computers and other equipment and put on fire two motor bikes of staff.
This all happened because of non-functioning of CSI.
We have approached Postal Administration several times, but there is no improvement.
If corrective and remedial measures are not taken immediately, we shall be compelled to launch serious trade union action after consultation with all constituents of NFPE and FNPO
Photos of incidents are published below.
(R. N. Parashar) (T. N. Rahate)
Secretary General Secretary General

NFPE Federal Secretariat Meeting will be held at NFPE office, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi-110001 on 15.11.2018 from 11:00 AM to discuss the prevalent situation in Department of Posts and for deciding future course of action.
All General Secretaries of NFPE Unions and available office bearers at Head Quarter are requested to attend the meeting in time.
R. N. Parashar
Secretary General
Postal JCA (NFPE, FNPO & GDS) meeting on 15-11-2018
P.J.C.A. (consisting NFPE, FNPO & GDS Unions) meeting will be held at NFPE office, North Avenue PO, Building, New Delhi - 110001 on 15.11.2018 from 04.00 PM to discuss the prevalent situation in Department of Posts and for deciding future course of action.
All General Secretaries of NFPE & FNPO are requested to attend the meeting in time.
R. N. Parashar T. N. Rahate
Secretary General Secretary General
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Monday, October 22, 2018
Saturday, October 20, 2018
Friday, October 19, 2018
After roll out of RICT, some time we need to replace supplied devices with buffer stock. I have recently gone through this kind of problem and have learnt that by following the below points we can replace hardware very smoothly
1. Deactivate existing user :
First of all we need to deactivate existing user from the damaged device using menu
RICT ADMIN LOGIN --> BPM Management --> Edit BPM details --> set status as “inactive" --> update
If device is able to receive notification then pull the notification and let the job completed. But if device is totally out of order then email job id to RICT Team to mark it as completed
2. BO Device Deallocation
Now de allocate the damaged device using following menu
RICT ADMIN LOGIN -->Device Management --> BO Device- Deallocation
3. Stock device
First of all we need to take the non working (Damaged) device is stock using following option
RICT ADMIN LOGIN--> BPM Management --> Update Device Status --> stock --> update
Now our damaged device is stocked
4. Upload Delete RH Feed
- This point is to be followed only if you wish to use sim card of damaged device in new device..
- Upload RH Feed with action column as “D” to delete the entry from RH Feed
5. Upload Insert RH Feed
- Now you need to upload Upload Insert RH Feed with device details of buffer stock device that is to be supplied in place of damaged device
- Upload RH Feed with action column as “I” to delete the entry from RH Feed
6. Bo device allocation
- Now allocate that device to BO using following menu
- RICT ADMIN LOGIN--> Device Management--> BO Device-allocation
7. Activate BPM
Now again activate BPM in new device using menu
RICT ADMIN LOGIN-->BPM Management -->Edit BPM details --> set status as “active”--> update
8. Install applications as below
- MCONNECT 3.1.6
- DM 9.7.4
Use application versions suggested by circle team
Hope this information will be helpful to all SAs and other PO staff too
if any one has any other simple way to complete the task.. kindly comment the same so that it can be useful to others...
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
Monday, October 15, 2018
Saturday, October 13, 2018
Change of Date of Birth in Aadhaar ...
F.No.4 (4)/57/159/2016-E&U
Government of India
Ministry of Electronics and IT
Unique Identification Authority of India
Government of India
Ministry of Electronics and IT
Unique Identification Authority of India
UIDAI Hqrs. Building,
Bangla Sahib Road, New Delhi-01
Dated: 24 Sept .,2018
Bangla Sahib Road, New Delhi-01
Dated: 24 Sept .,2018
Office Memorandum
Sub:- Updation of Name. Gender and Date of Birth.
The Aadhaar (Enrolment and Update) ( Sixth amendment) Regulations, 2018 provides that the date of birth of resident can be updated only once. In case the date of birth is to be updated more than once, it can be done through an exception handling process which may require the resident to visit Regional Office (RO) of the UIDAI. Similar decision has been taken for Name and Gender which can be updated twice and once respectively.
2. Further to this, it has been decided that one time change in date of Birth (DOB) shall only be allowed plus / minus one year of existing age in Aadhaar else the update shall be rejected.
3. However, for genuine cases of update of Name/ Date of Birth and Gender more than the threshold, an exception process shall be followed as below :-
(a) Resident may approach Regional Offices with relevant details of update along with necessary proof documents.
(b) RO shall do the due diligence and ascertain whether the update request is RO may seek additional information from resident or carry field investigation as required.
(c) In case RO ascertain the request to be genuine, case shall be sent to Tech Center for processing / reprocessing the request.
(4) This has approval of competent authority.
( Ashok Kumar)
Assistant Director General
Assistant Director General
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
The third phase of programme of action by 3 GDS Unions - One day hunger fast in Delhi - conducted successfully today (10-10-2018).
The General Secretaries of GDS Unions, Com.P.Pandurangarao,AIPEU-GDS., Com.S.S.Mahadevaiah, AIGDSU., Com.P.U.Muralidharan, NUGDS welcomed the GDS comrades came from all the Circles. Com.R.N.Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, AIPEU Gr.C.,Com.D.B.Mohanty, General Secretary, AIPEU Postman & MTS., Com.Amarjit Kaur, General Secretary, AITUC attended and addressed the participants of hunger fast programme . Com.V.Shivaji, Offg. General Secretary, NAPE Gr.C., Com.Kishanrao, Ex-S/G, FNPO were also addressed.
A Memorandum has been submitted to the Hon'ble Prime Minister, Hon'ble Minister for Communications and Secretary, Department of Posts by the GDS Unions.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Dear Comrades,
The decision of the 3 GDS unions (AIPEU-GDS, AIGDSU & NUGDS) on 06-09-2018 to hold three phased programme of action, the two phases of the programme has been conducted successfully in almost all divisions of all circles on 25th September & 04th October 2018.
The third phase of programme is on
10-10-2018 one day hunger fast in Delhi.
It is already requested by our CHQ to mobilize the members to Delhi on 10-10-2018 from all the Circles. Further special request made to the Circle Secretaries and CHQ office bearers of surrounding Delhi to mobilize the GDS members in large number to make the programme a grand success.
General Secretary
A joint biennial divisional conference of AIPEU GrC., AIPEU Postman&MTS and AIPEU-GDS has been conducted on 07-10-2018 in the premises of Head Post Office.
Conference presided by the presidium of Com.N.V.Subbarao, Com.D.Venkateswarlu, Com.N.Penchalaiah, Presidents of Gr.C., P4 & GDS of the Division.
Com.K.Ragavendran, former Secretary General, NFPE & General Secretary, AIPRPA & Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS attended as chief guests and inaugurated the conference. Shri M.Chandra Sekhar, SPOs, Nellore Divsion attended as guest of honour and addressed the meeting.
Com.B.Sridharbabu, Offg. C/S, Gr.C., Com.Ch.Vidyasagar, C/S, P4., Com.M.Srinivasarao, C/S, AIPEU-GDS, Com.K.Sudhakar, D/S, Gudur, Com.Ramarao, B/S, Kavali Br. also attended and addressed.
Com.Ch.Nagabhushanam, former C/S P3., Com.Sk.Humayun, former All India President and C/S, P4., Com. Mohanrao, Dist. Secretary, CITU., Com.B.Anjaneyulu, State Orgg. Secretary, BSNLEU., Com.B.Venkateswarlu, Dist. President, NFTE., Com.Nagesh, LIC and many other leaders witnessed the conference.
A new set of organizing body has been elected unanimously for the ensuing period for the Divisional unions of Gr.C., P4 & GDS.
Com.K.Ragavendran felicitated by the Divisional Unions of NFPE & AIPRPA, Nellore.
Shri B.V.N.Suresh, Postmaster, Nellore HO felicitated on his selection to Gr.B from the Division.
AIPEU-GDS CHQ conveyed heartfelt greetings on the success of conference and divisional unions of NFPE.
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