A joint Biennial divisional conference of Gr.C., P4 & GDS NFPE) has been held on 11-01-2015 in the premises of Khammam HO.
The meeting presided over by Com.A.Ramasashtry, Veteral Leader and Com.T.Ruben, President, Gr.C.
Com.D.A.S.V.Prasad, Circle Secretary, Gr.C., Com.Ch.Vidyasagar, Circle Secretary, P4., Com.M.Srinivas, ACS, GDS (NFPE), Com.Sk.Humayun, Former Circle Secretary & All India President P4., Com.N.Nageswararao, ACS, Gr.C., attended and addressed the conference.

A set of new office bearers were elected unanimously for the ensuing period.