On the occassion of the retirement of Com.John, Branch President, Gr.C., Kavali Branch under Nellore division of A.P circle a general body meeting has been convened in the premises of Kavali HO on 12-07-2015.
Com.R.Sivannarayana, former All India President, AIPEU Gr.C (CHQ) invited as Chief guest. Com.Sk.Humayun, former All India President P4 (CHQ), Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com.K.Sudhakar, Divl. Secretary, Gr.C., Gudur, Com.John Anthony, Divl, Secretary, Gr.C., Nellore, Com.B.V.N.Suresh, Secretary, P & T CooP Society, Com.J.Ramasubbaiah, President, Gr.C., Guntur, Com.Srinivasulu, Divl. Secy., P4, Com.N.Penchalaiah, divl. Secy. GDS (NFPE) and many other NFPE leaders, senior leaders of Kavali Branch attended and graced the meeting.