A joint general body meeting of AIPEU Gr.C., P4 & AIPEU GDS (NFPE) held on 9th August 2015 in Sangareddy, Sangareddy division.
The Second Biennial divisional conference for AIPEU GDS (NFPE) is held under the presidentship of Divisional President, Sangareddy. Com.K.N.Chary, Asst. Circle Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE) attended along with NFPE leaders to the Conference and addressed.
A new set of office bearers were elected for the divisional union Sangareddy for the ensuing period.
President : M.Sailu
Secretary : M.Prabhakar
Treasurer :
CHQ conveys greetings and congratulations to the elected organizing body of Sangareddy Divsional Union.