...................................... (Associate Member of National Federation of Postal Employees) ......................,................. ......... An organisation born with the ideals of Trade Union democracy and Unity & United struggle for the emancipation of GDS..
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Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Monday, February 26, 2018
Aadhaar Card Linking: Seven Things Aadhaar Card Holders Need To Know
March 31, 2018 is the last date to
link Aadhaar card or the 12-digit Unique Identity Number with various
government schemes and financial services. These range from PAN card, bank
accounts and mobile SIMs to mutual fund investments and small savings schemes
such as PPF (Public Provident Fund) and KVP (Kisan Vikas Patra). The Unique
Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) – the issuer of the 12-digit Aadhaar
number or Unique Identity Number (UID) as well as Aadhaar card – has in a
communication dated January 14, 2018 sought to address some frequently asked
questions (FAQs).
Here are some of the FAQs about Aadhaar which card holders
need to know, according to UIDAI,
1. The UIDAI has
all my data including biometrics, bank account, PAN etc. Will it be used to
track my activities?
Absolutely false. UIDAI database has
only the following information –
(a) Your name, address, DOB, gender,
date of birth
(b) Ten finger prints, two IRIS
scans, facial photograph
(c) Mobile number and email ID
Rest assured, UIDAI does not have
your information about family, caste, religion, education, bank accounts,
shares, mutual funds, financial and property details, health records etc and
will never have these information in its database.
In fact, Section 32(3) of the Aadhaar
Act 2016 specifically prohibits UIDAI from controlling, collecting, keeping or
maintaining any information about the purpose of authentication either by
itself or through any entity.
2. When I link my
bank accounts, shares, mutual funds and mobile phones with Aadhaar, will the
UIDAI not get this information?
Absolutely not. When you give Aadhaar
number to your banks, mutual fund companies, mobile phone companies, they only
send Aadhaar number, your biometrics (given at the time authentication) and
your name etc to UIDAI for verification for your identity. They do not send
your bank account or its details to UIDAI.
So far as UIDAI is concerned, it
responds to such verification requests by replying either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. In few
cases, if the verification answer is ‘Yes’, your basic KYC details (name,
address, photo etc.) available with UIDAI are sent to the service provider.
3. Why am I being
asked to link all my bank accounts with Aadhaar?
For your own security, it is
necessary to verify identity of all bank account holders and link them with
Aadhaar to weed out the accounts being operated by fraudsters,
money-launderers, criminals etc. When every bank account is verified and linked
with Aadhaar and then If anyone fraudulently withdraws money from your account,
through Aadhaar such fraudster can easily be located and punished.
Therefore, by linking your bank
accounts with Aadhaar, your accounts becomes more secure and not the other way
4. Do NRIs need
Aadhaar for banking, mobile, PAN and other services?
Aadhaar is only for residents of
India. NRIs are not eligible to get Aadhaar. The respective service providers
like banks and mobile companies have laid down NRI-specific exemptions. NRIs
should simply tell the banks and other service providers such as credit card
companies etc that they are not required to provide Aadhaar numbers by virtue
of being non-resident Indians.
5. Why am I being
asked to verify and link my mobile numbers with Aadhaar?
For your own security and security of
our country, it is necessary to verify identity of all mobile subscribers and
link them with Aadhaar to weed out mobile numbers being operated by fraudsters,
money-launderers, criminals etc. It has been found that most criminals and
terrorists get SIM cards issued in the name of fictitious and even real people
without their knowledge and use them for committing frauds and crime. When
every mobile number is verified and linked with Aadhaar, then fraudsters,
criminals, and terrorists using mobiles can be easily identified and punished
in accordance with law.
6. Can the mobile
company store my biometrics taken at the time of SIM verification and use them
for other purposes later?
No one, including mobile phone
companies, can store or use your biometrics taken at the time of Aadhaar
verification and linking. The biometrics are encrypted as soon as Aadhaar
holder places his finger on fingerprint sensor and this encrypted data is sent
to UIDAI for verification.
Regulation 17(1)(a) of the Aadhaar
(Authentication) Regulations 2016, strictly prohibits any requesting entity which
includes mobile phone companies, banks etc from storing, sharing or publishing
the finger-prints for any reason whatsoever and neither shall it retain any
copy of such fingerprints. Any violation of this provision is a punishable
offence under the Aadhaar Act 2016.
7. Some agencies
are not accepting e-Aadhaar. They insist on original Aadhaar. Why?
e-Aadhaar (downloaded Aadhaar) from
UIDAI website is as legally valid as original Aadhaar issued by UIDAI . Both
should be acceptable by all Agencies. In fact downloaded e-Aadhaar has updated
address etc. of the Aadhaar holders and therefore should be preferable. If
anyone refuses to accept downloaded e-Aadhaar, the Aadhaar holder may lodge
complaints with higher authorities of those departments/agencies.
Central Trade Unions decides to observe All India Protest Day on 15th March 2018
The meeting of the Central Trade Unions held on 22nd February 2018 at INTUC Office New Delhi expressed indignation and strongly condemned the Government of the day for their intensified attack on the lives and livelihood of the people and seriously compromising the national interest.
Attack on working class centering around dismantling labour laws designed to completely casualise employment conditions through various routes like amending Contract Labour Act, introducing Fixed Term Employment etc has assumed aggressive height. Further it is noted that the Government is out to erase the public sector from the industrial map of the country. Specific cases of attack on privatization of railways, opening coal mining to private and foreign companies without any restriction whatsoever, mass scale privatization as well as destruction of defence production network through widespread outsourcing, thereby dismantling the almost half of the ordinance factories are some of the examples of the gross anti-people and anti-national actions of the Govt. Accumulation of huge non-performing assets of the public sector banks arising out of pilferage of bank-funds by deliberately defaulting private corporate coupled with recent explosion of frauds with bank fund engineered by the same corporate class is also a reflection of the anti-national act of the Govt indulging and patronizing the same big-business class.
The Central Trade Unions reiterated their utter condemnation against the Union Budget 2018-19 which is basically anti-worker and anti-people in character and engineered a deception on the mass of the people through loud populist slogans without actually making any resource allocation.
The Central Trade Unions denounced the Govt of India’s surreptitious move in postponing the 47th session of Indian Labour Conference, thereby reducing tripartism to a mockery.
CTUOs noted with satisfaction the surging struggles by the working people in different sectors throughout the country, both organised and unorganized.
The workers and federations of coal and transport have been preparing for united industrywide actions to be undertaken shortly. All the Federations of Defence Production workers have jointly decided to go in for nationwide strike on 15th March 2018. Many more sectoral actions are in the offing.
The CTUOs while reiterating their resolve to intensify preparation for indefinite strike in the days to come, calls upon all their constituents and working people in general irrespective of affiliations to jointly observe
· In solidarity with the striking Defence Production workers against anti-national privatization move
· Against the Anti-people Deceptive Union Budget 2018-19.
The CTUOs will meet shortly after 15th March 2018 to decide their next course of united countrywide action.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Opening of Online Customer Survey by India Post -- PIB
Since inception in 1854, India Post has been serving its citizens by catering to their basic requirements of communications. Over the years, it has evolved by providing varied services to Indian Citizenry in terms of Mail Services (both domestic and international), Money remittances (both domestic and international), Small Savings, Philately, Securing lives, Retail Services and Bill Payments etc.
As plethora of services are being provided by the India Post, it is imperative to know the nerve of the customer, how (s)he feels regarding the services provided, where the services need improvement and to change the customer orientation from customer satisfaction to customer delight.
In this connection, an Online Customer Feedback Survey is conceived wherein a customer can give his feedback or opinion on the services rendered by India Post. This Customer Feedback Survey will be for three months from 16.02.2018 to 15.05.2018 and available to public through India Post Website (www.indiapost.gov.in). Any citizen of the country can give feedback on the quality of service provided by India Post. The customer can also provide his comments/suggestions, if he so desires.
On the basis of the feedbacks received from the survey, suitable inferences will be drawn upon areas to be improved not only for a particular service but will also help in identifying the lagging post office.
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Saturday, February 17, 2018
1st Floor
North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
This mammoth 5 days’ Relay Dharna
held at Chief PMG office, Meghdoot Bhawan, New Delhi notes with gravest concern
that the Postal Administration has gradually become apathetic and inconsiderate
towards the genuine grievances of postal employees including GDS/Part time/DRMs.
Negotiating forums have been made defunct. Periodical meetings are not being
held since long. Even JCM departmental council meeting has not been held since
last one year. The Department of Posts is bringing about serious changes in its
operation, functioning and launching new services. We are also supporting such
changes for ensuring prompt services to people and there by existence of our
department. But in our opinion all are being done unilaterally and in a hasty
manner without caring the least even for the recommended infrastructure and
training. The views of staff of our department, which is the actual resource
represented by this Federation and also other legitimate bodies are completely
neglected, denied of.
In recent years right from
Branch/Division to All India we have conducted a series of agitation programs
followed by All India Strike on 23rd August 2017 to express our
grievances and also to attract the attention of administration in the interest
of services along with the burning issues of staff side. But unfortunately we
are feeling that the Postal Administration of different tiers are paying no
heed to our genuine protest, rather refusing to start dialogues with the staff
side. Even at present our Trade Union rights like grant of special casual
leave, leave to attend union meetings and program are also drastically denied
of. As a whole, the legitimacy of the staff side is being humiliated every day
and purposefully organization is being made insignificant. Sometimes it looks
like declaring an administrative war against its own staff and staff
This august platform still does
not believe in conflicts as it would only frustrate the noble purpose of public
service rendered by India Post. All ways from our side are still open for
dialogue and cooperation. In this background we think for our existence it
would be wise if Postal Administration comes forward and starts effective
discussions to utilize the potency of the Postal employees taking them into
confidence rather than treating as hurdles. With this hope this continuous
demonstration demands immediate restoration of all round dialogues with the
staff side at all tiers and bringing back all forum into effect. At all India
level this dialogue should immediately be started on our 15 Points Charter of
Demands (Copy enclosed). Already we have backed by the walls. So if present
ongoing pains, miseries of staff and ignorance to staff side still are continued
or intensified, the situation will compel the entire postal employees to resort
to start wider form of trade union action including Indefinite Strike, for
which the Administration will be solely responsible.
(Giriraj Singh)
President, NFPE
& also President of the program
Friday, February 16, 2018
5th Day Dharna Programme by NFPE in Delhi (16-02-2018)
Today Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, UP (Eastern) Circles participated.

Thursday, February 15, 2018
The 4th day of the Dharna call by NFPE continued with the participation of West Bengal, Odisha, Bihar & Jharkhand Circles.

3rd Day Dharna Programme by NFPE on 15 Charter of Demands
3rd Day Dharna Programme by NFPE on 15 Charter of Demands
Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Assam, North East, UP ( Eastern) Circles participated.

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