...................................... (Associate Member of National Federation of Postal Employees) ......................,................. ......... An organisation born with the ideals of Trade Union democracy and Unity & United struggle for the emancipation of GDS..
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Saturday, August 29, 2015
After two rounds of discussion between the Group
of Ministers and the central trade unions on the 12-point charter of demands of
the trade unions held on 26th and 27th August 2015, the GoM headed by Finance Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley
sent an appeal through the press release dated 27-08-2015 (Press Information
Bureau) after 10 pm urging upon the trade unions to reconsider the call for
countrywide general strike on 2nd September 2015 claiming that the Govt has given
concrete assurance to consider most of the demands of the trade unions
and that the trade unions agreed to consider the Govt’s proposals. Similar
appeal was also made in the meeting of 27th August. Both the claims of the Govt are
totally incorrect.
To put the facts straight, the joint platform of
central trade unions have been pursuing with successive governments at the
centre with their basic demands since 2009 and observed three rounds of
countrywide general strike since 2010, the last being for two days in February
2013. In the two rounds of meeting between the CTUOs and the Group of Minister,
nothing transpired in concrete terms except vague statements by the ministers
on steps to be taken or being taken on some of the issues, that too not in the
right direction.
The Govt’s press release mentioned, inter alia,
certain issues in support of their unfounded claim.
1. The Govt stated about
“appropriate legislation for making formula based minimum wages mandatory and
applicable” for all. But despite concrete pointers made by the trade unions
that such formula should be what has already been unanimously recommended
by the 44th Indian Labour Conference
in 2012 and again reiterated by 46th Indian Labour Conference in July 2015 in which
the Govt of India is also a party, the Ministers did not give any
concrete commitment on the same. In fact said formulae recommended by 44th ILC in 2012 and reiterated by 46th ILC in July 2015, makes minimum wage around Rs 20000/-
at 2014 price level and the Trade Unions demanded only Rs 15,000/. The
Ministers’ vague formulation does not ensure even half of that. Is such a
position worth consideration?
2. On contract workers, the
Govt assured that they will be guaranteed minimum wages. What is there to
assure except spreading deliberate confusion? Existing laws of the land
lawfully ensures payment of minimum wages to contract workers. The Govt’s
statement regarding “sector specific minimum wages for the contract workers”
also does not make any sense. The trade unions demanded “same wages and other
benefits as regular workers in the concerned industry/establishment to be paid
to contract workers.” The 43rd Indian Labour Conference held in 2011 recommended the same and 46th ILC unanimously reiterated the same in 2015, in
which, again, the present Govt is a party. How could they deny the unanimous
recommendation of the highest tripartite forum in the country like Indian
Labour Conference?
3. The steps taken by the
Govt on Labour Law amendments, are meticulously designed to throw out more than
70% of the workers on industries and other establishments from the purview and
coverage of almost all basic labour laws and also to eliminate almost all
components/provisions of rights and protections of the workers. This was
supplemented by more aggressive steps already taken by a good number of state
governments to already amend the labour laws in the similar lines. On this
issue, the Govt stated only that they will hold tripartite consultation before
taking such steps. The trade unions demanded scrapping of such proposals
by the central govt and also not to give assents (through President) to the
unilateral amendments made by the state governments. Even in all the tripartite
consultations held on some of the proposals of the Govt, the trade unions’
unanimous suggestions has been ignored by the Govt in favour of loud supportive
applauds of the employers. Once these retrograde changes in labour laws totally
dismantling the rights and protection measures for the workers and also
throwing more that 70% of the workers out of the purview of labour laws are
enacted, thereby rendering the almost entire working people a right-less entity
in their workplace, what would ensure even payment of minimum wage and other
social security benefits for them, even if those provisions are improved ?
Can any trade union, worth its name accept such a machination designed to
impose conditions of virtual slavery on the working people ?
4. Despite repeated insistence
by all the trade unions, the Govt refused to concede to the demand for
recognizing the Scheme workers, viz., Anganwadi, Mid-day meal, ASHA,
Para-teachers and others as “worker” with attendant rights of statutory minimum
wages and other benefits in gross violation of the unanimous recommendation of
the 45thIndian Labour Conference in 2013, reiterated again by the 46th ILC in 2015. These workers and all the
schemes have been put to further crisis threatening their existence owing to drastic cut in budgetary allocations for those schemes. In such a situation,
does the assurance of the Govt to “extend social security measures” and
“working out ways” for the same carry any meaning?
5. On bonus issue, the Govt
has assured to revise the eligibility and calculation ceiling to Rs 21000/- and
Rs 7000/- respectively from existing Rs 10000/- and Rs 3500/-. Trade Unions’
demand has been that since there is no ceiling on profit, all ceilings in the
Payment of Bonus Act should be removed altogether. Trade unions also demanded
substantial upward revision of the formula for gratuity calculation and remove
the ceiling on gratuity payment. The Govt has negated the demands.
6. On price rise situation,
claim of the Govt that it has gone down does not match with ground reality in
respect of commodities for daily necessities of the common people. The demands
of the trade unions for putting a ban on speculation/forward trading in essential
commodities and services along with universalisation of public distribution
system throughout the country have been totally ignored.
7. Trade Unions demanded
stoppage of disinvestment in public sector undertakings playing crucial and
supportive role in advancement of the national economy. Govt totally ignored
the same, rather has been going on aggressively in disinvestment route in
all the major PSUs much to the detriment of the interest of the country’s
economy. On the demands for stoppage of further FDI in defence, railways
and financial sector, the stance of the Govt is continuing to be a total
denial. Rather, the Govt has been aggressively pursuing deregulation and
privatization in strategic sectors like electricity, Port & Docks, Airports
etc in a big way.
There are other issues as well, statement of
Govt continued to be totally vague and their claim is unfounded. How can
anybody, rather any trade union worth its name can consider above stands taken
by the Govt on vital demands of the workers as a positive development and move
out from the programme of united strike action ?
Therefore, there is absolutely no reason for
reconsidering the decisions of the Central Trade Unions for countrywide general
strike on 2nd September 2015. Rather,
the situation demands that there should be no vascillation in carrying forward
the call for general strike on 2nd September 2015 throughout the country in all
sectors of the economy with firm determination.
The Central Trade Unions appeal to all working
people irrespective of affiliations to make the call for countrywide general
strike against the anti-worker, anti-people policies of Govt a massive success.
Tapan Sen
General Secretary CITUFriday, August 28, 2015
Not employment but employability should be priority: Dr Jitendra Singh
The Union Minister of
State (Independent Charge) for Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS
PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances, Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr.
Jitendra Singh has said that “not employment but employability should be the priority”.
He was giving the inaugural address as chief guest at the "India Micro,
Small & Medium (MSME) Expo & Summit 2015", here today.
Dr. Jitendra Singh said that in the years to come, India is going to be the major source of youth skill for the rest of the world because with more than 65% to 70% of the country’s population below the age of 35, India will not only be the youngest country in the world but also a major supplier of skilled youth and entrepreneur youth to the rest of the world. In other words, he said, “Make in India” youth will be seen in every nook and corner of world and we have to gear up for such a scene developing in the next few years.
At the same time, Dr. Jitendra Singh said, while roughly only about 40 lakh jobs are available in the government sector every year, the number of unemployed grows almost three times every year, that is, over 1.5 crore. To meet this challenge, the need of the hour would be not to depend on government jobs but to prepare our youth for employability without government patronage, he added.
Citing historic perspective, Dr. Jitendra Singh observed, the first three generations after independence, observed Dr. Jitendra Singh, continued to be influenced by colonial mindset and feudal dependence on empire. But now, as the Indian democracy evolves further, not only the youth are growing out of that mind-set but newer and alternative avenues are also emerging on the scene.
In this context, Dr. Jitendra Singh emphasized the role of MSME in supporting, encouraging and promoting young entrepreneurship. He said, the uniqueness of the MSME is that although the Department is known as “Micro, Small ….”, it inspires craving to grow bigger and bigger. Under the leadership of Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, he said, a number of such schemes including the MUDRA Bank for financial support and skill development programme for vocational training have been initiated which has started even attracting the NRI entrepreneurs who had settled abroad for several years but now wish to come back because they see an opportunity for themselves in India under Shri Narendra Modi.
MSME Secretary, Dr. Anup K.Pujari, MSME Foundation President, Rajneesh Goenka also spoke on the occasion.
Dr. Jitendra Singh said that in the years to come, India is going to be the major source of youth skill for the rest of the world because with more than 65% to 70% of the country’s population below the age of 35, India will not only be the youngest country in the world but also a major supplier of skilled youth and entrepreneur youth to the rest of the world. In other words, he said, “Make in India” youth will be seen in every nook and corner of world and we have to gear up for such a scene developing in the next few years.
At the same time, Dr. Jitendra Singh said, while roughly only about 40 lakh jobs are available in the government sector every year, the number of unemployed grows almost three times every year, that is, over 1.5 crore. To meet this challenge, the need of the hour would be not to depend on government jobs but to prepare our youth for employability without government patronage, he added.
Citing historic perspective, Dr. Jitendra Singh observed, the first three generations after independence, observed Dr. Jitendra Singh, continued to be influenced by colonial mindset and feudal dependence on empire. But now, as the Indian democracy evolves further, not only the youth are growing out of that mind-set but newer and alternative avenues are also emerging on the scene.
In this context, Dr. Jitendra Singh emphasized the role of MSME in supporting, encouraging and promoting young entrepreneurship. He said, the uniqueness of the MSME is that although the Department is known as “Micro, Small ….”, it inspires craving to grow bigger and bigger. Under the leadership of Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, he said, a number of such schemes including the MUDRA Bank for financial support and skill development programme for vocational training have been initiated which has started even attracting the NRI entrepreneurs who had settled abroad for several years but now wish to come back because they see an opportunity for themselves in India under Shri Narendra Modi.
MSME Secretary, Dr. Anup K.Pujari, MSME Foundation President, Rajneesh Goenka also spoke on the occasion.
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Committee for 2nd All India Conference of GDS (NFPE) & CHQ of
AIPEU GDS (NFPE) requested all the members and leadership of affiliated unions,
Postal coop societies of all Circles, esteemed organizations for financial contribution in the form of
advertisements to publish in the Souvenir and to hold the All India Conference
in a successful manner. Souvenir
Brochure is also sent to all the concerned.
is requesting to send the payments through :
/ NEFT to Account No.472200010001655, Punjab National Bank – IFSC code - PUNB0472200.
/ DDs drawn in favour of :
Secretary / General Convener
All India Postal Employees Union GDS (NFPE)
is for favour of information to all our beloved comrades & well-wishers.
the needful and thanking you.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Extension of the term of the 7th Central Pay Commission
The Union Cabinet
chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today gave its approval for
the extension of the term of the 7th Central Pay Commission by four months up
to 31.12.2015.
The 7th Central Pay Commission was constituted by the Central Government on 28.2.2014. According to the Resolution dated 28.2.2014, by which the Commission was constituted, it is to make its recommendations within 18 months of the date of its constitution that is by 27th August, 2015.
In view of its volume of work and intensive stake-holders' consultations, the 7th Central Pay Commission had made a request to the Government for a four month extension up to 31.12.2015.
The 7th Central Pay Commission was constituted by the Central Government on 28.2.2014. According to the Resolution dated 28.2.2014, by which the Commission was constituted, it is to make its recommendations within 18 months of the date of its constitution that is by 27th August, 2015.
In view of its volume of work and intensive stake-holders' consultations, the 7th Central Pay Commission had made a request to the Government for a four month extension up to 31.12.2015.
Postal JCA Dharna on 26-08-2015 in front of divisional offices



Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Postal JCA struggle programme on 26-08-2015
Postal JCA
one day dharna
in front of all DIVISIONAL OFFICES
Demanding :-
GDS in 7th CPC for wage revision and other service related matters
cadre restructuring proposals in all cadres including Postal Accounts & MMS
in Department of Posts
up all vacant posts in all cadres of Department (i.e., PA / SA / Postmen / Mail
Guard / GDS Mailmen, Mailmen, MMS Drivers and other staff in MMS, PACO, SBCO,
PO Accounts & Civil wing.
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