Dear Comrades,
The response to the indefinite strike call from GDS Unions are increasing day by day.
BPEDA : indefinite strike from 14th May 2018.
AIPEU GDS : indefinite strike from 22nd May 2018
FNPO & AIGDSU : indefinite strike from 22nd May 2018
Till date Kerala, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal under Circle Coordination Committee served strike notice for indefinite strike from 22nd May 2018.
Andhra Pradesh Circle under Postal JCA (NFPE & FNPO), Telangana AIPEU GrC served strike notice to the Department.
The CHQ AIPEU PM&MTS served strike notice for indefinite strike from 23rd May 2018. Accordingly the P4 union in all Circles getting prepared for the strike.
It is reported that Odisha, Assam, North East, UP, HP, MP, Gujrat AIPEU GDS members are making all preparations for the en masse participation in the ensuing indefinite strike.
Strike campaign and tour programmes are going on in the Circles / Divisions to mobilize the GDS to participate in the serious struggle action.
The resentment & anger is growing day by among the GDS comrades all over India as there is no response from the Govt & Department towards resolution on the issue of the implementation of Kamalesh Chandra Committee recommendations.
comrades all over India are forced and determined to participate in the
ensuing indefinite strike from 22nd May 2018.
Let us sacrifice for our
justified demand & will achieve it successfully.

Yours fraternally,
General Secretary
(M) 09849466595