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........ CITIZENS DUTY & SLOGAN ::: It shall be the duty of every Citizen of India to defend the Country and render National service when called upon to do so ... SLOGAN ::: "That loyalty to the Country becomes ahead of all other loyalties. And this is an absolute loyalty since one can not weight it in terms of what one receives" (Lal Bahadur Shastri) ..... face book page link for 4th AIC of AIPEU GDS ... ......... .......

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......... .............. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SELECTED CANDIDATES FOR THE POSTS OF GDS ..................... 4th All India Conference of AIPEU GDS - 8th & 9th October 2022 -- Kasaragod - Kerala ......


... ... Dear Comrade newly elected Divisional / Branch Secretaries of AIPEU-GDS -- PLEASE SEND YOUR POSTAL ADDRESS WITH PIN CODE, MOBILE NUMBER, E-MAIL ID THROUGH SMS TO .. 6294343737 / 9748659815.. OR BY E-MAIL TO >< IMMEDIATELY................... CRUSADER TO GRAMIN DAK SEVAKS (2nd Edition -2016) is ready and can place indent to AIPEU GrC (CHQ), NEW DELHI-8....... One copy Rs.225/- (560 pages) ..... Send e-MO for Rs.250/- to receive one copy of the Book by Regd. Book Paket..........

Friday, January 31, 2014

Minimum Marks condition for GDS to PA/SA examination is modified ---

With reference to the JCM (DC) item S.No.4, Item No.22 meeting held on 27-11-2013 the subject has been discussed by Postal JCA leaders.(minutes vide DoP Lr.dated 23-12.2013) 
The out come is very favourable to GDS : 
For Direct Recruitment Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant written examination, the condition for GDS is atleast 50% in 10+2 examination.
That rule has been modified now as "PASSED" 

Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MTS/Group ‘D’.,  Dy. Secretary General NFPE & all India Asstt. Secretary, Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers retired from service on 31.01.2014. 

     AIPEU GDS (NFPE) CHQ HEARTFULLY WISHES him a long, happy and Prosperous retired life.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

GDS Court case -

Delhi High Court ordered to issue notice to Government of India, Department of Posts on the writ petition filed by NFPE and AIPEU - GDS (NFPE)

W.P.(C) 168/2014

EMPLOYEES AND ANR                                                      ..... Petitioners

Through: Mr Uday Gupta, Mrs Shivani Lal and Mr M.K. Tripathi, Advs.


UNION OF INDIA                                                              ..... Respondent




Issue notice to the respondent.

Reply be filed within four weeks. Rejoinder, if any, be filed  before the next date of hearing.

List on 07.05.2014.

JANUARY 15, 2014


Monday, January 27, 2014

Postman / Mail Guard Examination to be held on 9/2/2014 in Karnataka Circle stayed by CAT

Karnataka Circle GDS  approached CAT, Banglore Bench on filling up of  vacancies of Postman & Mail Guard and stayed the examination scheduled on 09-02-2014.

copy of the order of CAT, Banglore Bench dated 24-04-2014



                   Battle lines for a showdown of the Central Govt. Employees are drawn.  Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers had served notice for 48 hours strike on 2014 February 12th & 13th, to Cabinet Secretary on 21st January 2014 alongwith 15 point Charter of demands.
                   The demands raised by the entire Central Govt. employees includes DA merger, Interim relief, Grant of civil servant status and inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC, Regularisation and revision of wages of casual labourers, Rescind PFRDA Act and scrap new Pension Scheme, Date of effect of 7th CPC 01-01-2014 & Five year wage revision in future, Fixation of minimum pay based on Need-based minimum wage formula worked out by 15th ILC and modified by Supreme Court later, settlement of anomalies, Implementation of Arbitration awards, five promotions, cashless hassle free medical facilities, Removal of restrictions on compassionate appointments, removal of bonus ceiling, stop downsizing, outsourcing, contractorisation, casualisation and privatisation, Filling up of vacant posts. Stop price rise and strengthen public distribution system.  Right to strike, vacate victimisations and revive JCM forums are also included in the charter.
                   The neo-liberal economic policies pursued by the Central Govt. from 1991 onwards is threatening the very existence of Central Govt. departments.  Many Govt. functions are already outsourced and some departments are at the verge of closure.  Eventhough Govt. proclaim that there is no ban, six lakhs of vacant posts remain unfilled, out of which three lakhs are in Railways.  Downsizing, contractorisation and privatisation has become the order of the day.  Exploitation of  three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal department and casual labourers is still continuing.  Hard-earned statutory Pension of the Govt. employees has been snatched away and  share market oriented New Pension Scheme is introduced. Both the congress-led UPA Govt. and BJP led Opposition NDA had joined together in the Parliament to pass the PFRDA Bill.  Prices of all essential commodities has shooted up and grant of permission by the Govt. to  oil companies to raise the prices of Petroleum products including Gas has further aggravated the situation.  Life of the workers and common people has become miserable.  To compensate the price rise and to prevent further erosion in the real wages.  Govt. is not ready to grant DA merger or interim relief.  Entire negotiating forums called JCM has become totally ineffective and defunct due to the negative attitude of the Government. 
                   General Election to Parliament is going to be declared shortly.  Parliament is in session upto the second or third week of February 2014 only.  Once election is declared, we cannot expect any positive action from the Government till the end of 2014.  Confederation has framed the charter of demands in its National Council held at Mumbai in 2010 December 1st & 2nd and submitted to Government in 2011.  Series of Nationwide campaign and agitational programmes has been organised and a massive rally of about 20000 Central Govt. employees was conducted in front of Parliament on 26th July 2012.  As the Government remained indifferent one day’s nation-wide strike was conducted on 12th December 2012 followed by two days strike on February, 20, 21 along with the Central Trade Unions.  Strike ballot for indefinite strike was also declared in the month of August, 2013.  Due to the agitations conducted by  Confederation, Government was compelled to announce 7th Pay Commission in September, 2013, of course, with an eye on the votes of the Central Government Employees and Pensioners in the by-election to four states including Delhi.
                   Now four months are over since the announcement of the Prime Minister assuring constitution of Seventh CPC.  Till this day the notification constituting the 7th CPC is not issued by the Government and the Chairman and other committee members are also not appointed.  DA merger, Interim Relief and terms of reference are also pending.  In fact, Government has fooled about 50 lakhs Central Government employees including defence personnel and 40 lakhs Central Government Pensioners.  Nobody can tolerate this type of humiliation.
            We cannot expect any positive action from the Government, unless and untill we organise ourselves in a decisive manner and go for a strike action.  Central Government Employees have the potential to get their due rights from an unwilling Government.  For that there is no short-cut.  Unity and struggle is the only way.  2014 February 12th & 13th 48 hour strike will be an outburst of resentment and anger of the entire Central Government employees.  Let us unite together and make the 48 hours strike a show of our uncompromising determination, courage and unity.


Some precautions and guidelines to Circle Secretaries/Divisional Secretaries about strike

1.  Whether All circulars issued by CHQ, NFPE, Confederation in both languages English and Hindi are received or not? If not received copy from P3 CHQ website.

2.  Based on CHQ circulars whether circulars were issued by Circle Union/Divisional Union in local language? If so please send copy to CHQ. If not please issue immediately.

3.    Whether date for All India leaders meeting was fixed or not? If so whether the date was informed to all India Leaders or not? If not inform immediately.

4.     Whether posters were published or not? If not publish immediately.

5.    Whether Circle Union/Circle Office Bearers tour was planned or not? If not plan it now itself.

6.     What is strike position? Please inform Division wise. If there is any problem for cent percent strike in any Division, the Circle Secretary must visit the Division and set right the things.

7.     Please do not trust rumours. If any doubt please contact P3 CHQ, NFPE HQ.

8.     From 1st February 2014 hold demonstrations, gate meetings in front of work spot to educate about strike demands. Every member should be contacted.

9.     Please issue phampletes addressing the public to get their support.

10. If any declaration asked by the Department, you have to mention “NFPE has given a call for 2 days strike on February 12th & 13th, 2014. Being a member of NFPE I shall participate in the strike ”

11. Please do not bother about the threatenings by the Department.

12.From 5th February 2014 onwards every Divisional Secretary has to inform the position day to day to Circle Secretary and every Circle Secretary has to inform to CHQ and NFPE.

13.Please take advice and assistance from local Central Trade unions, Employees unions and middle class organisations during strike period.

14. Please hold press conferences, issue press statements.

15. Please hold a big procession on 11.02.2014.

16.Make the 2 days strike a victorious one.


Life expectancy increases by 5 years in the past decade

Government increases health sector allocation by 335% to Rs 3 lakh crore in 12th Plan 

The health indicators across the country have shown significant improvements. The life expectancy has increased by 5 years in the past decade. What used to be 62.3 years for male and 63.9 years for female in 2001-2005 is now 67.3 years for male and69.6 years for female in 2011-2015. There has been reduction in new HIV cases by as much as 57%. Infant Mortality Rate has come down to 42 in 2012 from 58 per 1000 live births in the year 2005. Maternal Mortality Ratio has declined from 301 per 100,000 live births in 2001-03 to 212 in 2007-09. The pace of decline has shown an increasing trend from 4.1% annual rate of decline during 2001-03 to 5.5% in 2004-06 and further to 5.8% in 2007-09. Total Fertility Rate has come down to 2.4 in 2011 from 2.9 in 2005. Adding a new feather in the cap is declaration of India as Polio Free Nation. On the 13th January, 2014, India made history by completing three years without a single case of wild polio. This feat was unimaginable till 2009, when India accounted for more than half of the global polio burden. 

The appreciable developments in the healthcare sector are attributable to the strengthening of the health infrastructure in the country, and a focused approach by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The Government has increased budget outlay by 335% to Rs 3 lakh crore in 12th Plan for healthcare to achieve universal and inclusive healthcare for all citizens. Moreover, under the National Health Mission (NHM) there are two subcomponents namely National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) which aim to provide accessible, affordable and quality health care to the rural as well as urban population. 

The National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) as a sub-mission of National Health Mission (NHM) was approved by the Cabinet on 1st May, 2013. It envisages to meet health care needs of the urban population with the focus on urban poor, by making available to them essential primary health care services and reducing their out of pocket expenses for treatment. In the 12th Plan an allocation of Rs. 15,143 crores has been made for National Urban Health Mission. 

NRHM was launched by the Government over eight years ago and substantial progress has been achieved under it. More than Rs. 1, 11, 000 crores has been released by the Health Ministry to 35 State Governments and UTs. Nearly 51,000 new health infrastructures have been created, including new construction and up-gradation works to improve health facilities. More than 70,000 beds have been added in Government health institutions for provision of essential and emergency services across the country. Addition of nearly 1.6 lakh human resources that include specialists, doctors, nurses, ANMs and para-medics and nearly 9 lakh community health workers called ASHAs have been appointed in villages to facilitate interface between the communities and health system. 

Under NRHM National Ambulance Services, support free ambulance services to provide patients transport in every nook and corner of the country connected with a toll free number to a Call Centre. Over 15,000 basic and emergency patient transport vehicles have been provided under NRHM. Besides these, over 3,000 vehicles have been empanelled to transport patients, particularly pregnant women and sick infants from home to public health facilities and back. To increase visibility and awareness- 102 & 108 ambulances are being repositioned as “National Ambulance Service” with universal colour and design. 

NRHM also provides for institutional delivery among the poor pregnant women under the Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY). Substantial increase in institutional deliveries has resulted in the steep decline of the IMR and MMR. The scheme is operationalized in all the States with more than 12 million beneficiaries. 

The Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK), launched in June 2011, entitles all new-borns and children under one year of age besides pregnant women to absolutely free and no expense services including free diagnostics, drugs, consumables, food and blood, if required, besides free transport from home to institution, between facilities in case of a referral and drop back home. Nearly 1 crore 23 lakh pregnant women and more than 12 lakh children have benefitted in 2012-13. 

Rashtriya Bal Swasthya  Karyakram (RBSK) was launched in February, 2013. It entitles children in the age group of zero to eighteen years across the country to receive free health screening services and free treatment including surgeries, where required. An estimated 27 crore children are to be covered across the country eventually, with screening for 30 common health conditions for early detection of: Defects, Diseases, Deficiencies and Developmental disorders. More than 1 crore 86 lakh children screened; more than 7 lakhs 64 thousand children referred; more than 90 thousand children have availed free secondary or tertiary health care 

The Government has implemented Home Based Newborn Care up to 42 days of life through ASHAs, Newborn care corners (NBCC) at delivery points and training of health care providers in Navjaat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram(NSSK) for effective essential newborn care is a key component of the newborn continuum of care have been established. And Special New Born Care Units (SNCUs) at FRUs/DH and Newborn Stabilisation Units (NBSUs) have been established to provide care to sick, low birth weight and preterm newborns. 

For management of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition, 872 Nutrition Rehabilitation Centres have been operationalized in the country till December 2013. Training Package for Facility Based Management of Children with Severe Acute Malnutrition has been shared with the States in 2013. 

The Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK), launched recently, aims to bring in several new dimensions like- mental health, nutrition, substance misuse, gender based violence and non-communicable diseases. The programme introduces community based interventions through peer educators. The strategic approach to RMNCH+A (Reproductive, Maternal, New born, Child Health + Adolescent) in which `A` denotes adolescents 

To meet the challenge of high prevalence and incidence of anaemia amongst adolescent girls and boys, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare launched the Weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) Programme for 10-19 years adolescent population. Also the National Iron + Initiative was launched for prevention and treatment of Iron Deficiency Anaemia among different age groups. Under National Iron + Initiative initiative it is envisaged to ensure provision of IFA supplementation and therapeutic management of mild, moderate and severe anaemia in the most vulnerable groups – children (6months- 10 years), adolescents (10-19 years), pregnant and lactating women and women of reproductive age group (15-45 years) through a continuum of care approach. 

The National Programme for the Health Care of Elderly (NPHCE) addresses health related problems of elderly people. The basic aim of the NPHCE programme is to provide separate, specialized and comprehensive health care to the senior citizens at various levels of state health care delivery system including outreach services. 

Government of India initiated an integrated National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancers, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS). 

The Government has launched some of new vaccines like indigenously developed JE Vaccine (JENVAC) in 2013. Also, Hepatitis B vaccine and second dose of measles vaccine are now part of the Universal Immunization Programme. Pentavalent, a combination vaccine, which includes DPT + Hep-B + Hib has been introduced in eight states: Kerala, Tamil Nadu in December 2011 and Puducherry, Goa, Haryana, Gujarat, Karnataka and J & K in 2012-13. This ensures complete immunization against five diseases and also reduces the chances of an adverse event following immunization due to less injection load. Government of India earlier provided only one JE dose and now has introduced two doses of JE vaccine under Routine Immunization with first dose at 9-12 months and 2nd dose at 16-24 months with effect from 1st April 2013. 

The Government has also launched Reverse Dot Blot Hybridization (RDB) Thalassemia Diagnostic Kit and AV Magni-Visualiser the screening device for cervical cancer in December, 2013 and indigenously developed Diabetes Screening System and Test Strips in January 2014. 

Efforts have been made to increase the number of doctors the Government rationalized the land use norms for setting up New Medical Colleges, bed occupancy norms, retirement age of faculty, and teacher student ratio was relaxed from 1:1 to 1:2 generally and 1:3 in some specific cases for post-graduate courses. The availability of MBBS seats has gone up from 33,567 to 51,979, i.e. an increase of 18,412 seats or almost 55%. During the same period, the number of PG seats has increased from 13,838 to 23,931 i.e. an increase of 10,093 seats or almost 73%. Within this period, 97 new medical colleges, including six new AIIMS, have been established raising the number of Medical Colleges from 290 to 387, which is all time high. Similarly, 19 Government Medical Colleges have been up-graded as super speciality hospitals. Together the 6 new AIIMS, and 19 up-graded institutions would provide speciality and super-speciality care in all disciplines with a net addition of 11,390 beds covering 27 locations spread across the country. 


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Some interesting NEWS about postal in other countries ---

Nigeria: NIPOST Threatens to Withhold Katsina Mails over Unpaid Bills
Katsina — The Nigerian Postal Service has threatened to withhold mails for the 34 local government councils of Katsina State for failing to pay for services rendered to them.
Speaking to newsmen yesterday in Katsina, postal manager in the state, Alex Bature, said despite several letters sent to the councils, they have refused to settle debts amounting to N3 million.
Bature added that hundreds of sensitive mails meant for the councils are at the state headquarters of the postal services.
"We visited the local government councils but it was difficult to see the council chairmen to register our complaints," he said.
He said though the postal service is not a profit making organization, individuals and organizations should endeavour to pay for services rendered to them so they can in turn solve their financial problems.
Meanwhile, Bature said the postal service has entered an agreement with the state ministry of education for prompt payment, adding that a substantial amount of money has already been released to them.
US Postal Service Returns Money Lost in Moneygram Scams
The US Postal Service delivered gifts to thousands of consumers last month who were victims of scams involving Moneygram. Millions of dollars are being returned to people who thought they lost it all.
Fraud victim Wanda Wood explained, “One morning I answered the phone… and this a young fella said “hi Grandma”…”
Wanda says the voice sounded like her grandson, Matt. She became concerned when he said he was in Canada and needed help: $4500 wired to him immediately.
“I really and truly thought it was Matt. The kid sounded like him," said Wanda
She wired the money via Moneygram, but con artists intercepted it along with funds sent by hundreds of others who were targeted in the scheme.
“I was really disappointed. There I was out of $4500," lamented Wanda
The Justice Department found Moneygram in violation of processing thousands of transactions for individuals known to be involved in scams.
“The corrupt agents converted the money transfers to cash in a manner that maintained the anonymity of fraudsters," said US Postal Inspector Nick Alicea.
Moneygram profited from the scheme by collecting fees and other revenues on the fraudulent transactions. Schemes included “the grandparent scam” that lured in Wanda, as well as secret shopper scams and sweepstakes or lottery scams.
Don Golden’s mother lost $60,000 and came close to losing her home.
Don explained, “She decided that she didn't have the money to pay her school taxes because she was putting all of her money in this sweepstakes activity.”
Money gram has agreed to pay $100 million for its role in the scam between 2004 and 2009.
“This in my mind is a milestone day because we are seeing some justice for my mother and my family," Don said.
Postal inspectors will distribute $46 million to almost 18,000 victims or family members of scam victims across the country. Victims are grateful.
Anyone who believes they may have been victimized by the Moneygram scheme is urged to visit for instructions on how to file a request for compensation.
Union: Don’t Fill Staples Jobs with Non-Postal Employees
A union representing U.S. Postal Service employees is staging protests later this month against a pilot program that opened retail postal spaces at Staples office supply locations, complaining the resulting jobs are staffed by non-postal workers.
The Postal Service reached an agreement with Staples in October 2013 to put retail units in more than 80 stores, with the possibility of expanding dramatically, to create a “one-stop shopping” experience for customers. 
Staples, however, has staffed the postal areas with its own employees. For the American Postal Workers Union, this represents a lost opportunity to grow services using postal employees whom USPS customers can trust.
“This is a direct assault on our jobs and on public postal services,” said APWU’s President Mark Dimondstein. “The APWU supports the expansion of postal services. But we are adamantly opposed to USPS plans to replace good-paying union jobs with non-union low-wage jobs held by workers who have no accountability for the safety and security of the mail. Postal workers deserve better, and our customers deserve better.”
The contract between Staples and the Postal Service allows the retailer to use its own employees.
APWU first will meet with Staples store managers by Jan. 18 to express their concerns, particularly that postal-related positions within their stores are being filled by “low-wage, non-union, non-postal employees.” Then the union will organize a day of action and subsequent protests.
The Postal Service said it respects the right of its employees to protest, but fell short of offering any conciliation.
“The U.S. Postal Service recognizes and respects the right of its employees to exercise their First Amendment rights,” said Darlene Reid-DeMeo, an agency spokeswoman. “Postal Service employees who choose to participate in picketing activities must do so while off-duty and abide by all local laws regarding public gatherings.”
USPS’ pilot program has launched in five metropolitan areas and is the first in the agency’s retail partner expansion program, designed to “increase choices customers have on where and when they can purchase postal products and services.” More than 80 percent of postal products and services are available at the participating Staples locations.
Reid-DeMeo said the Staples pilot program is similar to its existing Contract Postal Units, which allow customers to buy stamps at a pharmacy store, and its Village Post Offices where customers can use postal services inside of a local grocery store, for example. These locations also are not staffed by postal employees. 
Austrian Post has ruled out laying off thousands of postal workers as it continues to adjust its network to falling mail volumes. The national postal service in Austria issued a “clear denial” of local newspaper reports today, stating that it was “simply wrong” to state that it has plans for a wave of job cuts. The newspaper reports had suggested that 9,000 mail staff were currently in fear of losing their jobs.
The Finnish postal service announced extensive job cuts on Thursday, and plans to lay off 1,200 letter carriers. The state enterprise only has itself to blame for its present financial difficulties, the liberal daily Savon Sanomat comments:
The government hopes that people will react positively to the restructuring. But hardly anyone will be happy that the state-owned enterprise Itella wants to slash 1,200 jobs, a move that will only make its service worse than it already is. The cuts will barely be felt in the cities, but the inhabitants of more sparsely-inhabited regions are not in an enviable position.
… The company’s management can justify the staff cuts by pointing to new technologies. But it only has itself to blame for the fact that fewer letters, newspapers and packages are being sent by mail. Parcel deliveries will soon be so expensive that it’ll be cheaper to get in the car and deliver your packages yourself.


Authorizing Divisional Offices for corrections in the data of PLI & RPLI - reg

Copy of DDM-I PLI Directorate, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi <> email dated 18.01.2014 to all DDM(PLI) and CPMG.

Dear All,

 It is to inform that NIC has provided option to Divisional Offices for correction of data of PLI & RPLI for the following fields:

i.             Medical Status
ii.            Category of Organization
iii.           Age Proof
iv.          Updation of KLC Ledger
v.            Updation of date of last premium paid
vi.          Updation of Agent/ BO Code
vii.         Deletion of duplicate entry of loan
viii.        Updation of PH Code
ix.          Updation of PAO Code
x.            Updation of Gender Code

          This is for kind information and circulation to all concerned.

Vipin Malhotra
Dy. Divisional Manager (PLI)
Ph. 24672458


India Post to install 3000 ATMs,1.35 lakh micro-ATMs by September 15 -- NEWS

MUMBAI: Even as its application to start a commercial bank is pending, India Post has drawn a massive plan to install as many as 3,000 ATMs and 1.35 lakh micro-ATMs at the ubiquitous post offices across the country for savings account holders by September 2015, a top official has said.

"We will be starting with three ATMs to be installed in New Delhi, Chennai and Bangalore on February 5 and then ramp it up gradually," postal department secretary  Padmini Gopinath  told a select group of reporters here over the weekend.

She said 1,000 ATMs with the India Post branding will be put in within the first year, which will be ramped up massively to 3,000 in the next 18 months.

To start with, the ATMs can be used only by 26 crore savings account-holders who save with the postal department, but Gopinath exuded confidence that within six months of the launch, they will get the interoperability permission from the Reserve Bank.

Postal savings are worth around Rs 6.05 trillion, which is half the savings in the largest lender SBI and more than double that of the largest private sector lender ICICI Bank.

Through interoperability, India Post will join the National Financial Switch, which will benefit India Post account holders to transact at the banks' ATMs and vice versa, she added.

India Post has been working with software major Infosys on this project, she added.

The micro ATMs will be handheld devices to be operated at the post office level while the ATM will be similar to the one operated by any commercial bank, she added.

The postal department, which has 1.55 lakh post offices over 90 per cent of which are in villages, offers the savings account to people across the country and pays an interest of 4 per cent per annum for such deposits. The account offers cheque facility at present.

It can be noted that the Department of Posts is fighting a very contentious battle to convert itself into a full fledged bank, asserting that its reach can help achieve the goal of financial inclusion.

However, the finance ministry has expressed some reservations about the idea, while Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal has exuded confidence of winning over his Cabinet colleagues to get the go ahead for the 'Postal Bank'.
source:The Economic Times

Friday, January 24, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


On 21st January, Strike Notice has been served to the Govt. & Departments for two days (48hrs) strike by Central Govt. Employees on 15 point charter of demands.
Strike Notice has been served in all Circles to the respective Heads & many Divisional Unions submitted strike notice by NFPE leaders along with AIPEU GDS (NFPE).
Notice copy of CCGEW:

Notice copy of NFPE:
Strike+Notice-1.jpg (1153×1600)

Strike+Notice-2.jpg (1153×1600)

FNPO is also served strike notice to the Govt. & Department of Posts for two days strike with charter of demands.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Draft / model Copy of the strike notice is exhibited in the website. All Circles/Divisions should serve strike notice to their Circle / Divisional Heads on 21.01.2014 with mass demonstration. Charter of demands copy is also to be enclosed with strike notice.

Model copy for Circle union:

Model copy for Divisional union:

Sunday, January 19, 2014

PLI loan - some important instructions

Postal Life Insurance (PLI) Loan
  • Loan is admissible on Whole Life Assurance (WLA), Endowment Assurance (EA) and Convertible Whole Life Assurance (CWLA) policies.
  • Currency of policy should be minimum of 3 years in case of EA and CWLA.
  • Currency of policy should be minimum of four years in case of WLA.
  • Policy should be unencumbered/ unassigned.
  • Loan Limit:
(a) Whole Life Assurance
Currency of Policy
Percentage of surrender value on which loan is admissible
More than 4 years to 7 years
More than 7 years to 12 years
More than 12 years
(b) Endowment Assurance and Convertible Whole Life Assurance
Currency of Policy
Percentage of surrender value on which loan is admissible
More than 3 years to 5 years
More than 5 years to 10 years
More than 10 years

Insurant should apply on LI-35 (loan application) and send to DDM (PLI) along with policy document and premium receipt book.
  •  Second and subsequent loan is admissible after a year if the first loan is fully repaid.
  •  Loan interest @ 10% p.a is calculated on six monthly basis. 


Recently the Department of Posts introduced EXPRESS PARCEL POST & BUSINESS PARCEL POST under Cash on Delivery (CoD) provision.

Indian Post Office Act (3rd Amendemnt) Rules, 2013 - a Gazette Notification issued accordingly under 565 (GSR 738E) dated 18-11-2013 w.e.f 02-12-2013.

click here    for GO copy


GDS Court Case filed by NFPE & AIPEU-GDS (NFPE):
As per the direction given by Supreme Court in Writ Petition (Civil) No.1003 of 2013 on 13-12-2013 the case is transferred to Delhi High Court. The same has been numbered as Writ Petition (Civil) No.168 of 2014 in the Delhi High Court and listed for hearing on 15-01-2014 before a Bench comprising Hon’ble Mr. Justice Rajiv Shakdher in Court No.10 as item No.13. Brief submissions made by our Advocate were heard by the Hon’ble Court and thereafter pleased to issue notice to the Respondent i.e., Government of India, Department of Posts. The next hearing date will be informed later. 

Please send donations towards Legal Expenses Fund to Financial Secretary, NFPE, 1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office building, New Delhi-110 001.

RTP case filed by NFPE, P3 CHQ & R3 CHQ:

RTP case filed by NFPE, P3 CHQ & R3 CHQ in the Principal Bench of CAT Delhi came up for hearing on 07-01-2014. 
Next sitting is on 24-02-2014.

System Administrators Case:

The demand for creation of a separate cadre for System Administrators has been discussed several times with the Department. Last discussion was held in the JCM, Departmental Council meeting and Cadre Restructuring Committee. Department has made it clear that existing System Administrators are not going to be benefited even if a seperate cadre is created and also pointed out certain other adverse aspects of the case. 

The main points of the Department are: 
(1) In the Recruitment Rules for creating separate cadre Government (DOP & T) will fix higher technical qualifications for the post. 
(2) Government (DOP & T) will not agree for absorption of existing System Administrators and instead go for direct recruitment as per the Recruitment Rules. 
(3) Even if a cadre is created there is no much promotional scope in the same cadre as the promotional posts will be very less. Just like Postmaster Cadre they will not get general line promotion and also can not write IP & PSS Group B exams. 
In view of the above all Circle/Divisional Secretaries are requested to inform their views on the following points.
(1) Whether we should still stick to our demand for separate cadre 
(2) Instead whether we should demand special pay or some other benefits for the existing System Administrators. 
The issue will be again discussed on the next meeting of the Cadre Restructuring Committee to be held on 04-02-2014. 
Send your views by email to before 02-02-2014.


Casual Labour - Huger Fast Postponed:
NFPE & FNPO has already declared two days strike on 2014 February 12th & 13th and Regularization and revision of wages of casual labourer is one of the main demands of the strike. Secretary Generals of NFPE & FNPO and all General Secretaries are out of Delhi conducting intensive campaign programmes in all Circles for making the strike total success. As such it is decided to postpone the proposed hunger fast programme on 05-02-2014 in front of Dak Bhavan, New Delhi and concentrate fully on strike campaign.