...................................... (Associate Member of National Federation of Postal Employees) ......................,................. ......... An organisation born with the ideals of Trade Union democracy and Unity & United struggle for the emancipation of GDS..
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Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Cabinet approves Revised Cost Estimate for setting up of India Post Payments Bank :: Boost to Banking Services at Post Offices across the country
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has given its approval for revision of the project outlay for setting up of India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) from Rs. 800 crore to Rs. 1,435 crore. The additional sum of Rs. 635 crore in the revised cost estimates is on account of Rs 400 crore for Technology Costs and Rs 235 crore for Human Resource Costs.
- IPPB services shall be available at 650 IPPB branches and 3250 Access Points from 1st September 2018 and in all 1.55 lakh post offices (Access Points) by December 2018.
- The project will generate new employment opportunity for about 3500 skilled banking professionals and other entities engaged in propagating financial literacy across the country.
- The objective of the project is to build the most accessible, affordable and trusted bank for the common man; spearhead the financial inclusion agenda by removing the barriers for the unbanked and reduce the opportunity cost for the under banked populace through assisted doorstep banking.
- The project will supplement Government's vision of "less cash" economy and at the same time promote both economic growth and financial inclusion.
- The robust IT architecture of IPPB has been built taking into consideration bank grade performance, fraud and risk mitigation standards and in line with the best practices from payments & banking domain.
IPPB services:
The IPPB will provide bouquet of payments/financial services through its technology enabled solutions which will be distributed by the Department of Posts (DoP) employees/last mile agents transforming them from mail deliverer to harbinger of financial services.
The IPPB shall pay incentive/commission to the last mile agents ( Postal Staff and Gramin Dak Sewaks) directly in their accounts for providing IPPB services so as to motivate them to promote IPPB digital services to the customers.
A part of commission to be paid by IPPB to Department of Posts will be used for increasing the wherewithal of Post office
“Government to leverage the reach and trust of Post Offices to offer doorstep banking to the unbanked, through India Post Payments Bank”: Manoj Sinha
Minister of State for Communications (Independent Charge), Shri Manoj Sinha today said that the launch of India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) will significantly augment the reach and impact of the banking sector in the country. Briefing the media here about the upcoming nation-wide launch of the IPPB by the Prime Minister on the 1st September, 2018, Shri Sinha said, the trusted Postman will now become a banker to millions of unbanked and under-banked Indians who have so far had no access to financial services. This launch will more than double the number of bank branches in the country – from the present 1.40 lakhs to more than 2.90 lakhs. Similarly, the number of rural branches in the country will increase from the current 49,000 to more than 1.75 lakhs.
The vision of IPPB is to build the most accessible, affordable and trusted bank for the common man, to spearhead the financial inclusion agenda of the Government. It will leverage the vast network of the Department of Posts, which covers every corner of the country with more than 300,000 Postmen and Grameen Dak Sewaks. This will enable IPPB to bridge the last-mile gap in banking services.
Shri Sinha said, on the day of the launch, IPPB will have 650 Branches and 3250 Access Points spread across the country. The bank will offer a range of products such as savings and current accounts, money transfer, direct benefit transfers, bill and utility payments, and enterprise and merchant payments. These products, and related services, will be offered across multiple channels (counter services, micro-ATM, mobile banking app, SMS and IVR), using the bank’s state-of-the-art technology platform. All the 1.55 lakh Post Offices in the country will be linked to the IPPB system by December 31, 2018.
IPPB has built a strong integrated model with the Department of Posts (DoP), under which Post Office Savings Bank (POSB) account holders will be able to avail additional services provided by IPPB, by linking their accounts. Commenting on this, Shri A.N. Nanda, Secretary, DoP said – “The IPPB account will provide DoP customers with a complete bouquet of banking services which they have never experienced before.”
The Minister informed that the launch itself is slated to be a mega event. While the Prime Minister will be the Chief Guest at the nation-wide launch at the Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi, simultaneous launch events will be held at all 650 branches and 3250 access points of IPPB across the country. Senior dignitaries of the Central and State Governments will grace these events with their presence.
“The upcoming launch of the IPPB will be another significant milestone in our Government’s endeavour to take the benefits of a rapidly developing India to the remotest corners of our country, ensuring that the benefits of the Government’s flagship programs such as Digital India flow to the last citizen standing in the queue of development, and our dream of financial inclusion becomes a reality for all”, concluded Shri Sinha.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Monday, August 27, 2018
Proposed by AIPEU-GDS:27-08-18
No.GDS JCA/CHQ/6-1/2018 Dated: 27-08-2018
The Secretary
of Posts
Delhi – 110 001
Sub.: Items of agenda for discussion
to our letter of even No. dated 23- 08-2018 we are forwarding herewith items of
agenda which require immediate solution to cool down the increasing sense of
dissatisfaction and resentment amongst the Gramin Dak Sevaks over uncalled for
and summary manipulation of the entire recommendations of the GDS Committee.
Only meaningful negotiations will serve the purpose. A rigid stand as
demonstrated in the last meeting that TRCA and other allowance would not be
discussed will aggravate the situation beyond repairs and push the three unions
to resort to trade union action which we sincerely want to avoid.
We hope
that the administration will show similar dynamism and shun rigidity. The
following items, are most agitating;-
1. Giving
effect to the recommendations of the Committee w.e.f 01-01-2016: The
Committee has recommended that its recommendations should be implemented with
effect from 01—01-2016. But we find to our alarm, that effect to all
recommendations that have been implemented has been given from later dates
which hit the employees very hard. For example we can take allowances and
gratuity etc.
2. Giving
effect to revised TRCA matrix from 01-01-2017: We honor
the recommendation of Committee that the new TRCA matrix be given effect from a
prospective date, but we do not and cannot agree that it should be as late as
01-07-2018. It is not a secret that the late implementation of the TRCA matrix
has dealt cumulative loss to all G.D.S. employees. The latest date of
implementation can be only 01-01-2017 if 01-01-2016 is not agreed.
3. Calculation
of arrears: the
orders issued for calculation and Payment of arrears are vulgarization of the
recommendation given by the Committee. The arrears must be calculated according
to the eleven examples suggested by the Committee.
4. Financial
upgradation as recommended by the Committee: The silence of the
administration on this recommendation is agonizing. Financial upgradation on
completion of 12 years, 24 years and 36 years of service should be granted
w.e.f 01-01-2016.
Bunching due to fixation in new TRCA matrix: This has
created a peculiar situation. Juniors
and seniors have to been fixed at the same amount. To avoid this situation
point to point fixation should be done before fixing in the new matrix.
6. Grant of gratuity:
There has been an unjustifiable cut in the amount of gratuity and also
in date of effect. The amount of gratuity must be what the Committee has
recommended i.e., Rs 5 lacs and date of effect 01-01-2016 at the rate of 1/4th
of salary last drown for every completed six month of service.
7. Implementation
of recommendation as it is in case of contribution to Pension fund: we
demand that those appointed before 01-01-2004 must be brought under the pension
scheme. Regarding those appointed after 01-01-2004 the contribution should be
10% of Pay by the employee and similar amount by the Government. Pension as per
CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 may be granted after counting 50% of the GDS service
for pension as per the Principle CAT judgement.
8. Grant of
severance amount: It should be Rs 4000 for every year of service
without any ceiling of Rs.1,50,000 should be removed.
9. Grant of
composite allowance: There is no justification for ad hoc cut in the composite allowance. The ground securities demand
that these should be as per recommendation of the Committee including the GDS
employees working in towns and cities.
10. Grant of
children education allowance: This recommendation of the Committee has not been
considered so far, it appears. The children are the future of the country. This
stands true in case of GDS employees still more. The CEA as recommended by the
Committee should be implemented.
11. Transfer
facilities: This facility should be extended to GDS employees
with out any reduction or financial loss in TRCA to the GDS.
12. Voluntary
retirement: Special voluntary retirement scheme (one time
discharge scheme for guaranteed employment) as recommended by the Committee should
be implemented.
13. Put of
duty: This should be avoided as far as possible. In case, it is resorted to
half months salary for the first three months and 3/4th thereafter
should be paid as subsistence allowance. In case of acquittal or award of minor
punishment the period of put off duty should be treated as duty for all
14.Grant of
medical facilities: In case of sickness, the medical expenses should
be reimbursed to the G.D.S. In case of services illness specialist hospitals
should be recognized for free treatment of GDS employees.
15. Single
handed BOs: All single handed BO’s doing multiple work i.e,
work of delivery of mail conveyance or both must necessarily be granted five
hours of work and TRCA, and if the work exceeds 5 hours additional hand should
be sanctioned.
16.Bonus should be at par with Departmental employees as
recommended by the Committee. The condition Rs.7000 “until further orders”
should be removed.
duty allowance: Combination of duty
should be avoided except during exceptional circumstances. Combined duty
allowance should be enhanced.
18. Leave: The
benefits of leave as recommended by the Committee should be implemented viz.,
paid leave enhanced to 30 days with carry forward and accumulation, Five days
emergency leave, One week paternity leave.
avenues: Open market recruitment in the Postmen/MG/MTS rules may be removed and
all vacancies may be offered to qualified GDS. Minimum qualifying service to
appear the examination may be reduced to one year.
20. Five
hours ceiling condition: Maximum work hours of 5 to the BO may be removed
and TRCA up to 7 1/2 hours may be
granted as per the work load.
21. Grant of
civil servant status.
We, therefore, request you kindly to hold a
purposeful meeting to discuss and decide the above issues.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
General Secretary
General Secretary
General Secretary
Department of Posts : Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) Recruitment Rules - 2018
Age: No upper age limit for GDS & Casual Labourers
Qualification: 10th Standard pass from a recognized Board
Quota :
50% - Seniority cum fitness from GDS - with five years service - (cut off date :1st Jan)
25% - Direct recruitment by competitive examination - only from GDS - with 3 years of service
25% - Casual Labourers - by seniority cum fitness - with temporary status/full- time/part-time (no educational qualification required)
open recruitment : 18 to 25 years (relaxation to SC/ST/OBC)
For all details :
Qualification: 10th Standard pass from a recognized Board
Quota :
50% - Seniority cum fitness from GDS - with five years service - (cut off date :1st Jan)
25% - Direct recruitment by competitive examination - only from GDS - with 3 years of service
25% - Casual Labourers - by seniority cum fitness - with temporary status/full- time/part-time (no educational qualification required)
open recruitment : 18 to 25 years (relaxation to SC/ST/OBC)
For all details :
Sunday, August 26, 2018
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 67319948232
Saturday, August 25, 2018
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
GDS Convention - West Bengal Circle : 19-08-2018
A convention of GDS Members representing from all Divisions of West Bengal Circle has been held on 19-08-2018 in the Union Building, Baruipur, South Presidency Division, West Bengal Circle.
The meeting presided by Com.Asish Dutt, President, AIPEU-GDS, WB Circle. Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary attended as chief guest and addressed.
Many other leaders viz., Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur, Ex-All India President, GDS, Com.Tapan Bharti, Working President, GDS, Com.Tapan Bhowmik, Circle Secretary, GDS, Com.Tapan Dass, former President, Gr.C., Com.Janardhan Majumdar, Dy. General Secretary, Gr.C(CHQ), Com.Anis Biswas, Circle Secretary, Gr.C., Com.Sanathan Das, Circle Secretary, P4., were also present.
Previous day i.e., on 18-08-2018, there was a meeting of all Branch Divisional Secretaries and Office bearers of Gr.C., P4., GDS was held in Baruipur HO.
On 19-08-18, afternoon there was another meeting held for the Divisional Union of South Presidency in the HO.
Com.Adhir Das, Working Chairman, Reception Committee and his team organized all the meetings and made good arrangements for the delegates deserves all appreciation.
No. PF-66/2018 Dated : 20th August 2018
Shri A.N Nanda,
Department of Posts,
DakBhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: - Appeal for help of Kerala
you are well aware about the unprecedented flood havoc and disaster in Kerala. The Calamity has caused immeasurable devastation and untold sufferings to the people of Kerala. Hundreds lives have been lost. Thousands home have been destroyed and many more damaged. The roads have been damaged on large scale. Crops have been destroyed fully. Every section of Kerala is suffering a lot. Our Postal family members are also suffering untold miseries as their houses are destroyed or damaged.
This type of calamity has never been faced by the people of Kerala.
Being a part of civilized society we should also make some efforts to extend help to the people of Kerala.
We have made appeal to entire rank and file of NFPE to extend maximum help by donating in Kerala Chief Ministers Distress Relief Fund.
We would like to urge upon you being Head of the Postal Family,kindly give appeal to all Postal Employees to donate atleast one day salary for the help of people of Kerala.
Hoping for a positive response.
Yours Sincerely,
(R.N Parashar)
Secretary General
Friday, August 17, 2018
Thursday, August 16, 2018
PM condoles demise of former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee - PIB News
The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has condoled the demise of Former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
“मैं नि:शब्द हूं, शून्य में हूं, लेकिन भावनाओं का ज्वार उमड़ रहा है। हम सभी के श्रद्धेय अटल जी हमारे बीच नहीं रहे। अपने जीवन का प्रत्येक पल उन्होंने राष्ट्र को समर्पित कर दिया था। उनका जाना, एक युग का अंत है।
लेकिन वो हमें कहकर गए हैं- “मौत की उमर क्या है? दो पल भी नहीं, ज़िन्दगी सिलसिला, आज कल की नहीं मैं जी भर जिया, मैं मन से मरूं, लौटकर आऊँगा, कूच से क्यों डरूं?”
अटल जी आज हमारे बीच में नहीं रहे, लेकिन उनकी प्रेरणा, उनका मार्गदर्शन, हर भारतीय को, हर भाजपा कार्यकर्ता को हमेशा मिलता रहेगा। ईश्वर उनकी आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करे और उनके हर स्नेही को ये दुःख सहन करने की शक्ति दे। ओम शांति !
India grieves the demise of our beloved Atal Ji. His passing away marks the end of an era. He lived for the nation and served it assiduously for decades. My thoughts are with his family, BJP Karyakartas and millions of admirers in this hour of sadness. Om Shanti.
It was Atal Ji's exemplary leadership that set the foundations for a strong, prosperous and inclusive India in the 21st century. His futuristic policies across various sectors touched the lives of each and every citizen of India.
Atal Ji's passing away is a personal and irreplaceable loss for me. I have countless fond memories with him. He was an inspiration to Karyakartas like me. I will particularly remember his sharp intellect and outstanding wit.
It was due to the perseverance and struggles of Atal Ji that the BJP was built brick by brick. He travelled across the length and breadth of India to spread the BJP's message, which led to the BJP becoming a strong force in our national polity and in several states”, the Prime Minister said in a series of tweets.
Earlier All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi issued a Press Release informing that the Former Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee passed away at 05:05pm.
“मैं नि:शब्द हूं, शून्य में हूं, लेकिन भावनाओं का ज्वार उमड़ रहा है। हम सभी के श्रद्धेय अटल जी हमारे बीच नहीं रहे। अपने जीवन का प्रत्येक पल उन्होंने राष्ट्र को समर्पित कर दिया था। उनका जाना, एक युग का अंत है।
लेकिन वो हमें कहकर गए हैं- “मौत की उमर क्या है? दो पल भी नहीं, ज़िन्दगी सिलसिला, आज कल की नहीं मैं जी भर जिया, मैं मन से मरूं, लौटकर आऊँगा, कूच से क्यों डरूं?”
अटल जी आज हमारे बीच में नहीं रहे, लेकिन उनकी प्रेरणा, उनका मार्गदर्शन, हर भारतीय को, हर भाजपा कार्यकर्ता को हमेशा मिलता रहेगा। ईश्वर उनकी आत्मा को शांति प्रदान करे और उनके हर स्नेही को ये दुःख सहन करने की शक्ति दे। ओम शांति !
India grieves the demise of our beloved Atal Ji. His passing away marks the end of an era. He lived for the nation and served it assiduously for decades. My thoughts are with his family, BJP Karyakartas and millions of admirers in this hour of sadness. Om Shanti.
It was Atal Ji's exemplary leadership that set the foundations for a strong, prosperous and inclusive India in the 21st century. His futuristic policies across various sectors touched the lives of each and every citizen of India.
Atal Ji's passing away is a personal and irreplaceable loss for me. I have countless fond memories with him. He was an inspiration to Karyakartas like me. I will particularly remember his sharp intellect and outstanding wit.
It was due to the perseverance and struggles of Atal Ji that the BJP was built brick by brick. He travelled across the length and breadth of India to spread the BJP's message, which led to the BJP becoming a strong force in our national polity and in several states”, the Prime Minister said in a series of tweets.
Earlier All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi issued a Press Release informing that the Former Prime Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee passed away at 05:05pm.
Dear Friends and Comrades ,
As you are aware, the people of Kerala is in the grip of unprecedented flood havoc. Please see below published APPEAL of Com. Pinarayi Vijayan, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Kerala which explains the seriousness of the situation. All affiliated organisations and COCs and also all well-wishers are requested to donate maximum amount to the Chief Minister's Relief fund in the address and Bank account shown in the below appeal, UNDER INTIMATION TO CONFEDERATION CHQ .
M. Krishnan,
Secretary General,
Mob & WhatsApp: 09447068125.
Email: mkrishnan6854@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Monday, August 13, 2018
Com.Somnath Chatterjee was the Chairman of the Parliamentray Standing Committee for Communications Ministry when the Indian Post Office (Amendment) Act was moved in Parliament by Govt for giving license to courier services for collection, processing, booking, transmission and delivery of articles including letter mail articles.
Chairman gave opportunity to our Federation leaders to tender evidences before the Standing Committee. After hearing all the stake holders, he gave a report in which it was categorically stated that licence for collection, processing, booking, transmission and delivery of "letter mail articles" should not be given to couriers.
Because of the objection of the Standing Committee, Govt allowed the Bill to lapse.
Com.Somnath Chatterjee passed away ...

Com.Somnath Chatterjee, former Lok Sabha Speaker, CPI(M) Leader, great Statesman and veteran politician passed away at the age of 89, today. He was an unparalleled protector of democratic rights of people of India and working class community. His demise is a monumental loss to the country, especially working class.
AIPEU-GDS CHQ conveys its deepest condolences.
General Secretary
Sunday, August 12, 2018
AIPEU-GDS : General Body meeting in Gudur division (A.P Circle)
A general body meeting with GDS members of AIPEU-GDS has been held on 12-08-2018 in Navodaya College, Nayudupet in Gudur Division.
The meeting presided by Com.Subhan Basha, Vice President, GDS and Shri K.Sanjeevaiah, MLA,(YSRCP) Sullurupet attended as Chief guest. Com. P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU-GDS attended and addressed the meeting. Regarding GDS related issues viz., raise the slab to avoid deduction of Professional Tax from TRCA, Housing facility for BOs & GDS in the villages, extending 'Arogyashree scheme' to GDS, Old Age Pension to GDS after retirement were focused to the Hon'ble MLA for a resolution from the State Government in A.P.
Com.K.Sudhakar, President, GrC., Com.K.Chandra sekhar, AGS, P.4, Com.R.Govinda Nayak, Vice President, SC/ST Welfare Association, Com.D.S.B.Purushottam, ex-D/S, Com.Ch.V.Ramanaiah. Offg.D/S, GDS., Com.J.Hemalatha, Com.Sujatha,Women Committee Leaders were also present.
More than 150 GDS members representing about 20 SOs graced the meeting and made deliberations on the issues of GDS.
Com.Murali krishna reddy, Com.J.Hanumantharao, Com. Mallikarjuna and his team made very good arrangements for the success of the meeting and deserves all appreciation.
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