A state level joint Convention of
Women Employees of P-4 & GDS, A.P
Circle has been held on 16-03-2014 in Vijayawada
HO, Vijayawada .
The meeting presided by Com.
B.Padmavathi, President, NFPE Mahila Committee, A.P Circle .
Com.Pushpeswari Devi, Convener,
AIPEU Gr.C All India Mahila Commitee inaugurated the Convention.
Com.K.Dhanalakshmi, Convener, A.P State
Working Women Employees Coordination Committee & Com.D.Ramadevi, Vice
President, All India Prajatantra Mahila Committee were attended as Chief Guests
and addressed with their inspiring speech.
Com.V.Varakumari, Mahila
Committee Member, AIPEU PM&MTS/Gr.D (CHQ), Com.P.Vijaya, Chairman, A.P
State Mahila Committee, AIPEU Gr.C, Com.Adisundari, AIP AOEU, Mahila Committee
Member and many other Mahila Representatives of the State Committees were
present and made the Convention more delightful and grand success.
Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com.Sk.Humayun. Circle Secretary, AIPEU PM&MTS/Gr.D, Com.K.Chanddra Sekhar, AGS (CHQ), AIPEU PM&MTS/Gr.D., Com.M.Srinivasarao, ACS, GDS (NFPE), Com.K.Venkateswarlu, ACS GDS (NFPE), Com.Ch.A.S.N.Murthy, OCS, GDS (NFPE), Circle Office bearers of P-4 union, many Division/Branch Secretaries of GDS & P-4 unions witnessed the Convention.
Com.Aruna Kumar welcomed all the
leaders and delegates to the meeting and vote of thanks offered by ComVijaya.
More than 100 women comrades
representing from 25 divisions attended and 15 comrades deliberated their
effective discussion on various issues of women employees facing in the Circle.
The following resolutions
proposed and resolved unanimously :
(i) Minimum 3 Women representatives should be included in
the panel of Divisional / Branch / Circle office bearers.
(ii) Opportunity should be given to women representatives to participate
in all formal & informal meetings, monthly meetings, bimonthly meetings in
the Circle.

Reception Committee & Vijayawada NFPE Divisional Unions deserves all appreciation for their
hospitality, arrangements and all the delegates expressed their total
satisfaction on the success of the Convention.