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........ CITIZENS DUTY & SLOGAN ::: It shall be the duty of every Citizen of India to defend the Country and render National service when called upon to do so ... SLOGAN ::: "That loyalty to the Country becomes ahead of all other loyalties. And this is an absolute loyalty since one can not weight it in terms of what one receives" (Lal Bahadur Shastri) ..... face book page link for 4th AIC of AIPEU GDS ... ......... .......

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......... .............. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SELECTED CANDIDATES FOR THE POSTS OF GDS ..................... 4th All India Conference of AIPEU GDS - 8th & 9th October 2022 -- Kasaragod - Kerala ......


... ... Dear Comrade newly elected Divisional / Branch Secretaries of AIPEU-GDS -- PLEASE SEND YOUR POSTAL ADDRESS WITH PIN CODE, MOBILE NUMBER, E-MAIL ID THROUGH SMS TO .. 6294343737 / 9748659815.. OR BY E-MAIL TO >< IMMEDIATELY................... CRUSADER TO GRAMIN DAK SEVAKS (2nd Edition -2016) is ready and can place indent to AIPEU GrC (CHQ), NEW DELHI-8....... One copy Rs.225/- (560 pages) ..... Send e-MO for Rs.250/- to receive one copy of the Book by Regd. Book Paket..........

Monday, March 17, 2014

Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra GS AIRF, Unanimously elected as Secretary of Staff Sid, National Council (JCM)

Com. Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF (All India Railway Federation) heartfully supported the GDS to include in 7th CPC and caused to include the item in the Terms of Reference proposed for 7th CPC and submitted to the Govt. from Staff Side JCM. After the Govt. announced the ToR without considering the proposals of JCM, again this Leader wrote to Govt. to honour the Terms of Reference proposed by the JCM (staffside). 

Our CHQ conveys its heartfelt congratulations on his selection for Secretary, Staffside, NC (JCM).

Our Postal Federations Secretaries General, Com.M.Krishnan,  Sri D.Theagarajan were already nominated as Members of National Council, JCM.

We hopefully awaiting for the best,  the inclusion of GDS in the ambit of 7th CPC will be taken place, despite the malicious agreement made by the so called recognized GDS union's leader with  the DoP.

New Delhi: 13th March, 2014 – The Staff Side of the National Council (Joint Consultative Machinery), in its meeting held on 11th March, 2014 to condoled the sad demise of Late Shri Umraomal Purohit, Secretary, Staff(NC/JCM), had unanimously elected Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, General Secretary, All India Railwaymen’s Federation, as Secretary, Staff Side, National Council (JCM).
This post was vacant due to sad demise of Com. Umraomal Purohit on 27th February, 2014, who held this post for more than three and half decades.
The JCM is an umbrella organisation for about thirty six lakh Central Government employees working in different departments, such as Indian Railways, Defense (Civilian), Postal, Cabinet Secretariat, Income Tax etc.