A general body meeting of GDS comrades has been held on 02-10-2018 in Shivpur, Chalisgaon, Jalgaon Division.
Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEUGDS attended and addressed. The meeting presided by Com.Balkrishna Clake, All India President, AIPEU Postman & MTS. Com.R.P.Sarang, Circle Secretary, P4, Maharashtra, Com.R.B.Sasane, Regional Secretary, Pune, Com.Devendra Pradeshi, Regional Secretary, P4., Aurangabad, Com.Rajkumar (Solapur dn GDS), Com.Santhosh Nandalwar, Divl Secretary, AIPEU GDS, Chandrapur, Com.S.S.Kulkarni, Veteran Leader, P4., Com.Bhushan Patil, D/S, P4., Jalgaon and many other leaders attended and addressed the meeting.
A set of new organizing body has been elected unanimously for AIPEU-GDS, Jalgaon division for the ensuing period.

AIPEU-GDS CHQ conveyed heartfelt greetings and congratulations to the NFPE comrades of Jalgaon and P4 Circle Union, Maharashtra for their support and cooperation.
General Secretary