In order to move towards
digitization of cash transactions at post offices for its Saving Bank
Customers, Department of Posts (DoP) has approached the State Bank of India to
provide customized services of State Bank Buddy wallet for branches of Post
Offices. Cashiers/Postal Assistant at authorized Post Offices will accept two
kinds of withdrawal forms from their Saving Bank customers. One for withdrawing
cash and other for loading their Buddy wallet.
of process flow is summarized below:

1. DoP would like to open wallets for their identified Post
offices across India.
2. To begin with, DoP
will start with 1000 Post Offices and then extend to larger no. of Post
Offices. All these Post Offices will be provided with a smart phone, by the
respective Divisional Heads/Chief Postmaster/Sr. Postmasters. These phones Will
be the assets of the post Office concerned and Will be the deposited in the
treasury at end of the day. At the beginning of the day the phone will be given
to the SB Cashier handling the Buddy wallet.

3. State Bank Buddy
wallet will be downloaded from Google play /Apple store and wallet account will
be registered on these (Post Offices’ Official) Mobile Numbers.
4. Sansad Marg HO will be
assigned as a nodal office for SBl buddy. DoP will share with SBl the list of
mobile nos. to be used on Post Office counters. Against each mobile no. in the
list, name & address of PO along with other details considered important
for accounting and MIS.
5. SBI will prefund all
1000 post office e-wallet accounts with Rs.20,000 (each wallet to be topped up
with Rs.20,000).
6. Cashiers/Postal
Assistant at Post Offices will pay to their (PO) customers, through P2P
facility (using “Send Money/Ask Money) against special withdrawal forms
presented by the customers.
7. At 4.30 pm each day,
Buddy Team at GITC will send MIS to NDMB (Sansad Marg) & Sansad Marg HO
containing the amount consumed by each PO wallet during the day.
8. At the closure of Post
Offices? customer dealing, 3:00 pm State Bank Buddy team will run a scheduled
job and block all these wallets so that no further transactions can be made on
that day.
9. Buddy team will
generate Daily Transaction MIS of these wallets post office wise and share it
with DoP
10. No PO wallet will be
topped up during the day for increased requirement etc.
11. Buddy team will
unblock these wallets in SOD (Start of Day) so that wallets will be operational
for use.
1- Between Customer &
Cashier/Postal Assistant
i. Customer should
download buddy wallet from play store or apple store. Assistance may be
required. The cashiers/Postal Assistant will be trained by SBI.
ii. Customer should use
'Ask Option" in Buddy giving mobile number of the Cashier.
iii. The statement of
transactions on the wallet of the cashier can be made available by the Bank
At Post office
i. Debit SB account of
ii. Credit Wallet Account
of customer
Reconciliation :
The individual PO will
download the Buddy report, check it against the transactions made and will
(A) Either confirm that
the report tallied with the transactions done in the post offices, to the nodal
Buddy Wallet team (
Sansad Marg HO will pay SBl Sansad Marg main branch at the end of the day as
per demand raised by them. In the case of any dispute which is raised by post
offices as per para B above, the adjustment would be made next day.